Options to avoid sharp corner, & steep grade ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Well 24 hours & 3 ins + of rain

The duck weed got splashed on to the quay side

bit like seaweed after a storm really

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

& up the sides of the skips
But not on his overalls ,
must be non stick!!!

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Hope his overalls were Sanforised

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

So someone came to his rescue

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

As the bailer was there all the time

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

The sun is still shining

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)


The Olde Salt coming into the Quay in the dimpsey at 10 pm tonight

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Ok, Ok, so you dont use sails in a canal basin normally

But I couldn't resist this shot now I done a tidy up & found the mast & sails

Originally I took the mast out to fit it with an engine, but it took me ages to find a shop with a suitable propeller to match!

now I cant find it

So that is a job in the clipboard roundtwit list, ?? Roundtuit, . . twit

sometime, someday!



Looks like he has got a reception committee

Wonder what the Copper wants to ask him?
Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Mikes comment...

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Nah,, smugglers use caves like these

That dont LOOK like caves

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

So while I am having to take it easy for a day or two, been thinking about the eventual track plan for the quay area

it occured to me that,

as the points were beyond the bridge by the canal tunnel,

every time shunting took place, running on the bridge over ( which would have to be removed for access) would be at risk,

so rethought it

now with all points outside of bridge

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Siding 'A'
is for long Quay loading of larger boats

Siding 'B'
is for loading smaller boats & possibly to have a timber mill between there & the cliff

the over bridge is over the top where the inner point of the run round loop is
Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

QUOTE Aljosha..

Oi! No nav lights!!
So clearly smugglers!

PS: Hi Don, super photos as ever! Could you elaborate on your
water management, just refill when necessary or naturally via rain,
outflow regulating this? Any risk of flash-flood? Are you running
a pump to let it run over that weir?
Many thanx!

Dons reply
In the recent heavy rain, the automatic system worked well


The Storm filled if very efficiently

the two overflows worked effectively

I could stage a flash flood for a photo shoot by blocking the overflows, but it would also need a sand bag accross the bottleneck to flood out the quays

The idea is for a pump to be on a timer, but with the weir being 40ins long, would need a BIG capity pump to look effective,

And haven't found a suitable, affordable one yet!

But there is no hurry

"Everything comes to he who waits" ((and keeps his eyes open))

When filling it I did it from top behind the arch bridge with hosepipe & the weir looked quite good

Did a flood here at Wheal Prosper last year :D

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

On saturday got round to laying a bit of concrete for the sub base for the track into the canal basin.

Not got a lot of energy at the moment, so the formwork was completed the day before to spread out the work,

Ran short of ballast,

neighbour who had relaid his drive with pavers, wheel barrowed 8 barrow loads around of the 3/4 to dust that they replaced.

Nice guy

The gap to the right is where the formwork came out, & will be filled in to match,

Suppose I could leave a little ditch for extra drainage in a flash flood

Duck weed does tend to cause blockages in pipes

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

The track, ( bottom right) that can be seen in this long shot, curves round to the right into Deep Pit & Wheal Prosper.

A point will come off that somewhere,

back far enough so as to leave a good size run round loop for the canal basin sidings

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Kormsens comment..

it's a practical joke...

one of the best threads in the forum hides behind such a trivial headline
Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

<p> </p><p>Kormsens comment.. </p><p>it's a practical joke... </p><p>one of the best threads in the forum hides behind such a trivial headline</p>
Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

<p> </p><p>Annies comment </p><p>I am absolutely amazed, </p><p>- I've read the whole thread through from beginning to end and I am stunned at the huge amount of serious civil engineering you have undertaken on your wonderful garden railway. </p><p>I live with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so I can very much understand just how much effort it would have taken to achieve so much. </p><p>The only trouble is I don't have an excuse now do I</p>
Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

My CFS fluctuates quite a bit

I was able to do the majiority of this extension project from start in early Feb,

till the end of May, when the water went into the Canal Basin,

since then I have had very little energy for anything much, just a bit of scratching here & there

I have now managed to lay most of the sub base for the track from the main circuit to the Canal Basin

But now the weather is against me

& I have not the energy to struggle & put up a sheet over where I am working

But all the while the plants are THRIVING

I am particularly pleased with the meadow above the top bridge

Pearlwort? did someone say?

Re: Options for avoiding a sharp corner, Also on a severe gradient ( Hind sight is wonderful)

Its even creeping up around the tree trunk where the soil is a lot drier
