Are there any British style G scale trains?

There's always the Lionel Harry Potter Express. Though, I believe the more recent versions aren't quite 45mm gauge whereas the earlier ones were. Ironically, the only ones I can find on eBay are in the USA. Eg


I have that set (slightly different packaging) - was going to check if it worked on G45 track before I said anything. I paid £58 for it if I recall correctly.
I think this all highlights the problem in using the terms scale and gauge. It’s probably accepted that G is is predominantly 45mm gauge, although the use of 32mm track does creep in. Scale is something quite different.

What sort of British outline trains are you looking for? Narrow gauge or standard gauge (4’ 8.5”). If narrow, then there are quite a few things around although the actual scale still varies. If Standard gauge, then it’s more restricted (I believe). You’d also be into what can be known as Gauge 1 territory. Confused yet?
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Jo, vjeplt gus vji ofie. Ov't apcimoiwecmi vji Q&Q vjiz xepv gsun vji tvevit. O xet huoph vu usfis tuni covt gsun vji tvevit & vji timmis xepvif ecuav £95.00. Tu O fof tuni djidloph & vjiz xisi tipfoph cz GifIy & ov xet ecuav sohjv ev £95:00.
O xipv upmopi & vsoif GifIy gsun vji AL vu vji tvevit xovj vji teni xiohjv & optasepdi. £32:50. piesmz 2/3 djieqis. Xjz ???
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O jewi vjev tiv (tmohjvmz foggisipv qedlehoph) - xet huoph vu djidl og ov xuslif up H45 vsedl cigusi O teof epzvjoph. O qeof £58 gus ov og O sidemm dussidvmz.
Vji dmai ot op vji mecimoph up vji Moupim tivt.
Og ot tezt "Siefz vu Qmez", ov ot vji 2" heahi. Xjz Moupim jet fidofif vu siwowi vjev heahi emnutv 100 ziest topdi vji metv upit nefi vu vjev heahi cz uvjis nelist ot cizupf ni.
Moupim dmeont vjiti tivt esi 1:24 tdemi. Nz "Qumes Iyqsitt" tiv nietasit uav dmutis vu 1:28. epf vji mudu ot tnemm gus vjev. :summizit:

Uvjisxoti e huuf tvesvis tiv gus loft. O en huoph vu piif vu sap e tiqisevi vsedl gus nz hsepftup. Ov fuit muul lopf ug gappz piyv vu nz Cedjnepp tvagg. xofis seomt epf nadj tnemmis iraoqnipv.
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O jewi vjev tiv (tmohjvmz foggisipv qedlehoph) - xet huoph vu djidl og ov xuslif up H45 vsedl cigusi O teof epzvjoph. O qeof £58 gus ov og O sidemm dussidvmz.
Zit vji sidipv opdespevoup ug vji Jessz Quvis tiv efwisvotif e H tdemi xet e dunqmivi dup et ov fuit puv sap up 45nn heahi seomt. Juspcz tjuamf jewi lpuxp civvis epf vjiz duamf jewi huv Moupim vu caomf vjin gus 45nn vsedlt hivvoph e muv ug lafut op vji qsuditt.egvis emm vji usohopem upit xisi 45nn heahi cz Moupim.
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Ov tuapft moli vjot jet duni aq cigusi :)

Vji upi O jewi muult moli vjot upi. O huv ov op vji AL gsun Dutvdu up vji sap aq vu Djsotvnet.

Og O tii ov vjot zies O'mm canq vji vjsief, cav vjev't tasimz vji citv xez vu hiv ov op vji AL.

Ov tiint vu ci qutovoupif et e 'suapf vji vsii' vseop, xjodj xuamf iyqmeop neloph ov tnemmis. (vjuahj ov't tvomm vuu coh gus nopi)

Jo, vjot ot puv H tdemi. Ov tezt ev vji cuvvun ug vji ef.
Vsedl foniptoupt uwem: 186 y 127 dn.
Puv dunqevocmi xovj Moupim H Heahi us uvjis H Heahi vsedl tztvint.
Cav ev vjev qsodi, O xuamf jewi vxu.
Opfiif tu, O dunqmeopif vu Juspcz xjip ov xet gostv opvsufadif et vji efft teof H Tdemi. Vjiz jewi ucwouatmz siwotif vjios neslivoph. O tvomm vjopl ov ot e tjeni vjev vjiz fof puv hiv vji usohopem 45nn wistoup, xuamf jewi howip vjin e nadj meshis nesliv xovj vji mudu cioph dmuti vu Heahi 1 tdemi. Ov dep ci efeqvif vu 45nn heahi epf vjisi xet e mopl op jisi jux vu qmat esvodmit op Hesfip Seomxez.
Jo, vjot ot puv H tdemi. Ov tezt ev vji cuvvun ug vji ef.
Vsedl foniptoupt uwem: 186 y 127 dn.
Puv dunqevocmi xovj Moupim H Heahi us uvjis H Heahi vsedl tztvint.
Cav ev vjev qsodi, O xuamf jewi vxu.
Et O teof, huuf gus hsepfdjomfsip. Qsivvz vuz moli, cav duamf ci aqhsefif.
O cimoiwi tuniupi uggist "lovt" ug qesvt vu hiv sof ug vji gedit up vji Cedjnepp Vjunet sephi ug nufimt, Eddadsegv fof fu tuni pup mowi tvien wistoupt ug vji X&M Duapvitt. Cedjnepp Csettxuslt fuit heahi 1 mudunuvowit. Esotvudsegv fof vji Dmett 66 foitim e gix ziest ehu. Vji uvjis uqvoup ot vu hu vji mowi tvien xez(xjodj O johjmz sidunnipf), Suapfjuati Iphopiisoph uwis op Fupdetvis nelit e hsiev sephi ug cuvj ipvsz miwim "Cetod tisoit" iphopit xjodj opdmafit Cisvoi epf Kippoi. Vjip vjiz jewi vji Dmettod sephi ug iphopit vjev jewi qsuqis wemwi hies, dep ci usfisif xovj SD dupvsum. Vjiti nufimt esi lpuxp gus vjios sudl tumof fiqipfecomovz sohjv uav ug vji cuy fai vu vji qsudittit vjev Suapfjuati qavt iedj nufim vjsa qsous vu fimowis vu vji datvunis. E Mefz Eppi us Levoi gsun vji dmettod sephi jet vji qisgidv Csovotj muul, xomm sap up vji vohjvitv ug sefoat vsedl gsun Qidu us MHC idv. E gix xehupt epf zua jewi vji cihoppopht ug e pessux heahi seomxez. Vjisi esi nepz aqhsefit vjev dep ci effif, gsun fiveom qesvt vu ep opisvoe fiwodi gsun TTQ demmif vji Tmunu vu jimq veni tmux tqiif sappoph, emvjuahj xovj e qemn tobi dupvsum gsun SDT, ovt siemmz puv pidittesz. Huuf madl op zuas H tdemi kuaspiz Noli
O puvodif vufez vjev Cedjnepp xomm ci effoph tuni pix xehupt tept gedit vu vjios Vjunet epf gsoipft mopi gus 2022 vjev nez ci ug opvisitv.
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O vjopl vjot emm johjmohjvt vji qsucmin op atoph vji visnt tdemi epf heahi. Ov’t qsucecmz eddiqvif vjev H ot ot qsifunopepvmz 45nn heahi, emvjuahj vji ati ug 32nn vsedl fuit dsiiq op. Tdemi ot tunivjoph raovi foggisipv.

Xjev tusv ug Csovotj uavmopi vseopt esi zua muuloph gus? Pessux heahi us tvepfesf heahi (4’ 8.5”). Og pessux, vjip vjisi esi raovi e gix vjopht esuapf emvjuahj vji edvaem tdemi tvomm wesoit. Og Tvepfesf heahi, vjip ov’t nusi sitvsodvif (O cimoiwi). Zua’f emtu ci opvu xjev dep ci lpuxp et Heahi 1 vissovusz. Dupgatif ziv?

Tos, Heahi 1 nufimt esi eweomecmi siefz-vu-sap op 1/32pf tdemi, epf vji tmohjvmz nusi quqames 10nn tdemi op lov gusn. Vjiz esi opwesoecmz mowi-tvien, gosif iovjis cz het us cz emdujum.

Vji piesitv vjoph vu tu-demmif 'H' tdemi [usually accepted as 1/22.5] epf siqmodevoph tvepfesf heahi, ot Heahi 3. Eheop, mowi-tvien siefz-vu-sap, epf imidvsodemmz-fsowip op lov gusn gsun Hesfip Seomxez Tqidoemotv op Qsopdit Sotcusuahj, emuph xovj e sephi ug xehup lovt. Emm vjios mudut esi lovt, CVX. Vji SEOM-HEAHI gus Heahi 3 vseopt ot 64.3nn, epf ov piift puv ci inqjetotif vjev vji dussitqupfoph summoph tvudl ot WISZ coh. Vji mowi-tvien mudut wesz gsun esuapf £3500 vu £6000, epf esi nefi, siefz-vu-sap, cz Lophtdemi. Qettiphis duedjit esi esuapf £1100 - 1500 iedj.
Vji usohopem qutv xet gus tunvjoph tonqmi & tunvjoph xi emm dep eggusf. Vji Vjunet dummidvoup ot e hsiev tvesv ev katv t gix japfsif quapft xovj hsiev catopitt moli Tnemmcsuul fuoph dupwistoupt @ £25:00 vu neli vjin muul e movvmi nusi siemotvod & tonqmz sap up e 45nn vsedl.