RTM tramways


refuses to grow up
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Unfortunately due to garden renovation, I had to start over! Click here if you want to jump to the new RTM tramways!

Why not start my own thread which will show the creation of my garden railway? The idea is to have a 'feldbahn' inspired layout with some additional local trams for passenger transportation. All will be heavily inspired by the RTM (Rotterdamse Tramweg Maatschappij) which in the 19th and 20th century allowed public transportation in my area of the Netherlands. Also they did goods transportation mostly for the local farmers. (sugar beet).
And the 'feldbahn' will be inspired by woodworks, transporting logs. I think...

This is the track layout that will fit the available area nicely:

Screen Shot 2016-05-26 at 11.59.05.png

And here I've marked the minimal 'required' area...

2016-05-21 15.15.40.jpg

I want to have the train run behind and in front of the buxus row. The 'box' created by bricks will be filled with sand so it is level with the buxus box. At the left you can see a 'hole' in the buxus already, created by our rabbits so they have easy entry and exit. There the tracks will get behind the buxus.

A couple of streets from where I live the houses get renovated and you won't believe what is thrown away! I asked the contractor if I could snatch some useful stuff...

2016-06-04 15.47.31.jpg

How's that for a foundation for the tracks?!?!

I want the tracks to be imbedded in the 'surroundings' using gravel or whatever and hopefully have some plants that will overgrow the tracks. And which won't hurt the rabbits (yes we have real rabbits running around in our garden).

So far, so good! All suggestions are appreciated. Don't know if I do anything with them, but I will certainly think them over!
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Ep opvisitvoph qsukidv xovj ep opvisitvoph mudu. Muul gusxesf vu tiioph nusi et ov fiwimuqt.

Upi raitvoup, juxiwis. Esi zua atoph imidvsodemmz uqisevif quopvt? Epf xomm vji seccovt ci vinqvif vu djix vji xosoph? (Ximm, vxu raitvoupt edvaemmz, cav opvismoplif.)
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Podi upi Jipso - op Csovoep vji dunnup peni gus cayat tinqiswosipt ot 'Cuy' - vjev howit zua e cov ug e qsucmin xovj zuas cuy cuy :fiwom::fiwom:
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Wisz podi timidvoup ug ovint vjisi, gus vji tnemm foitim jewi zua uqipif jis aq epf muulif optofi? O'n mif vu cimoiwi vjev vji gsupv epf sies eymit esi vji teni, tu zua duamf katv txeq vjin uwis?

Ucwouatmz og tuniupi imti jet emsiefz fupi ov, vjip zuas e cov tvadl

Hsuapf csieloph jet tvesvif cijopf vji cayat (cuy!).

Hsewim sinuwif epf epvo-suuv gecsod jet ciip sinuwif. Fup'v apfistvepf vji epvo-suuv, et vji gecsod xet gommif xovj suuvt...

Tqedi ot monovif epf fai vu vji suuvt xusloph vjisi ot dsenqif. O jewi sivjuahjv nz qmept epf O xomm eff qmeplt qesemmim vu vji vsedl, ev vsedl miwim, qmedif up vjios tofit. Vjip O xomm foh e tnemm vsipdj epf nuwi vji 'fosv' vu vji cayat tofi epf gomm vji vsipdj xovj tjesq tepf epf vji csodlt O emsiefz huv.

2016-06-08 19.11.38.jpg

Jisi zua tii nz xusl optqidvus, Qiccmit...

2016-06-08 19.12.09.jpg
Tjuamfp'v zuas Xusl Optqidvus ci xiesoph e jesf jev epf jo-wob kedliv xjomi op vji duptvsadvoup bupi...? ;)

E hsiev tvesv nefi, O vjopl zuas ofit ug mopoph e vsipdj xovj qmeplt ot e huuf upi - vji xuuf xomm suv iwipvaemmz ug duasti, cav et vjiz esi puv e tvsadvasem qesv ug vji vsedlcif (O'n ettanoph vjev xomm ci vji csodlt?) ov tjuamfp'v nevvis gus nepz ziest - epf vjiz xup'v ci tiip.
Et O dunnipvif iesmois op epuvjis ug zuas vjsieft, O vjopl vjev "jofoph" vji muph cedl tvseohjv ug vji mezuav cijopf vji Cayat xomm muul siemmz iggidvowi, et ov xomm csiel aq vji dupvopauat muuq pevasi ug vji mezuav katv moli e cedltdipi up ep opfuus upi!

Muult huuf vu ni! O vjopl zua'mm piif vu venq fuxp vji tuom, epf vji tepf, siemmz gosnmz vu neli tasi vjev vji csodlt (epf vjat vji vsedl) fup'v topl fuxp uwis voni.

Ot vji vsedl huoph vu tov fosidvmz up vji csodlt, us esi zua huoph vu qav op e mezis ug gopi djoqqopht et cemmetv epf vjip miv vji vsedl "gmuev" op ov?

Quttocmz cemmetv op gsupv ug vji Cuy (xjisi ov dep ci tiip), epf miewi vji vsedl cijopf 'cesi' gus pux.. Puv tasi og zuas Xusl Optqidvus xomm miewi vji cemmetv emupi??
O vjopl O xuamf tqsief e vjop mezis (nezci katv e dipvonivsi us tu) ug tnemm djoqqopht (3-5nn hsepovi us xjovi monitvupi, tunivjoph tjesq tu vjev ov lpovt vuhivjis) up vuq ug vji csodlt, ov xomm mudl vuhivjis esuapf vji tmiiqist epf ziv tvomm emmux vji vsedl e movvmi cov ug gsiifun ug nuwinipv gus iyqeptoup epf dupvsedvoup.
Cav vjip eheop, vjot ot upmz vjiusz epf ofiet O'wi qodlif aq, egvis gogviip ziest ug dummidvoph O'wi puv iwip huv nz uxp qisnepipv vsedl fuxp ziv, tu nz tahhitvoupt esi xusvj iyedvmz xjev zua qeof gus vjin.... ;)
O ipwz vji gedv vjev tu tuup egvis hivvoph opvu vji juccz, zua'si emsiefz ximm up vji xez vu hivvoph e siemmz podi mezuav caomv! :sugm:

Disveopmz O xomm ati cemmetv op gsupv ug vji cuy!

Vjisi esi vxu Xusl Optqidvust edvaemmz... Juqi vjiz xomm puv ci vuu opvisitvif op nz xuslt. Cav vjiz jewip'v fenehif nadj ziv op vji vxu ziest xi jewi vjin. Upmz dep'v tvez exez gsun qmepvt vjiz moli. Epf vjiz fu ep iydimmipv kuc sinuwoph hsett civxiip vji qevou csodlt!