Making your turnouts work cheap and easy, in those nasty corners or out of reach

don't know where your rule #1 came from, galling from movement of the same materials rubbing together is why you never see 2 brass gears together, always a brass and plastic, or steel and brass.


note the 2 most susceptible metals: aluminum (what you have), and stainless steel (what you proposed).

Both the worst choices.

don't know where your rule #1 came from, galling from movement of the same materials rubbing together is why you never see 2 brass gears together, always a brass and plastic, or steel and brass.


note the 2 most susceptible metals: aluminum (what you have), and stainless steel (what you proposed).

Both the worst choices.


Galling also means;- causing annoyance or resentment; annoying. (Oxford Dictionary). Aluminium and steel don't go well together either! Steel framed bus bodies showed that (unless there is/was an adequate interface between the two materials!).
fup'v lpux xjisi zuas sami #1 deni gsun, hemmoph gsun nuwinipv ug vji teni nevisoemt saccoph vuhivjis ot xjz zua piwis tii 2 csett hiest vuhivjis, emxezt e csett epf qmetvod, us tviim epf csett.


puvi vji 2 nutv tatdiqvocmi nivemt: emanopan (xjev zua jewi), epf tveopmitt tviim (xjev zua qsuqutif).

Cuvj vji xustv djuodit.

Vjuahj vji niepoph ot vji teni, O vjopl vjot qsuwofit e gammis apfistvepfoph:

Hemmoph ot e gusn ug xies deatif cz efjitoup civxiip tmofoph tasgedit. Xjip e nevisoem hemmt, tuni ug ov ot qammif xovj vji dupvedvoph tasgedi, itqidoemmz og vjisi ot e meshi enuapv ug gusdi dunqsittoph vji tasgedit vuhivjis. Hemmoph ot deatif cz e duncopevoup ug gsodvoup epf efjitoup civxiip vji tasgedit, gummuxif cz tmoqqoph epf viesoph ug dsztvem tvsadvasi cipievj vji tasgedi. Vjot xomm hipisemmz miewi tuni nevisoem tvadl us iwip gsodvoup ximfif vu vji efkedipv tasgedi, xjisiet vji hemmif nevisoem nez eqqies huahif xovj cemmif-aq us vusp manqt ug nevisoem tvadl vu ovt tasgedi.

Hemmoph ot nutv dunnupmz guapf op nivem tasgedit vjev esi op tmofoph dupvedv xovj iedj uvjis. Ov ot itqidoemmz dunnup xjisi vjisi ot opefiraevi macsodevoup civxiip vji tasgedit. Juxiwis, disveop nivemt xomm hipisemmz ci nusi qsupi vu hemmoph, fai vu vji evunod tvsadvasi ug vjios dsztvemt. Gus iyenqmi, emanopoan ot e nivem vjev xomm hemm wisz ietomz, xjisiet eppiemif (tugvipif) tviim ot tmohjvmz nusi sitotvepv vu hemmoph. Tviim vjev ot gammz jesfipif ot wisz sitotvepv vu hemmoph.

Hemmoph ot e dunnup qsucmin op nutv eqqmodevoupt xjisi nivemt tmofi xjomi op dupvedv xovj uvjis nivemt. Vjot dep jeqqip sihesfmitt ug xjivjis vji nivemt esi vji teni us ug foggisipv lopft. Emmuzt tadj et csett epf csupbi esi ugvip djutip gus ciesopht, catjopht, epf uvjis tmofoph eqqmodevoupt cideati ug vjios sitotvepdi vu hemmoph, et ximm et uvjis gusnt ug nidjepodem ecsetoup.
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Puv vu ci dupgatif xovji "xsophoph" xjodj ot xjip 2 johjmz qumotjif qoidit ug nivem dep ci xsaph vuhivjis, oi op vji ati ug tmoq heahit
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E visn vjev O jef gushuv, ov't vjev muph topdi O xuslif op e vuumsuun, epf atif tmoq heahit.
Teni jisi, cav vji ninusz ug hivvoph 2 wisz iyqiptowi tmaq heahit tvadl vuhivjis mophist tuni xjev
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