Making your turnouts work cheap and easy, in those nasty corners or out of reach

justme igor

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If i would like to have a couple of turnouts that are easy to reach, then I wouldn't have thought about this.

There are some simple and very good solutions for a turnout to direct your train to a other track, the most genius and simplest of them all: a simple spring on two sleepers.
I think one of the forum members here, come up with that idea.

For turnouts in nasty corners or out of reach, i thought of motorising them with those simple Arduino motors with a reverse polarity switch and add some "one click switch"(?pulse switch?)incl with some battery's( i dont like wires that are way to long).
I even made a setup experiment with some 18650 li ions, a 2 s bms and a small solar panel, it did the job very good, except the motor is a bit to strong.
The arbore resistance of the dc motor is strong enough to hold the points into place without any power.
But when it must be set on a other track, the kick of the dc motor is just to strong, it will do a ~10 to 25 times its job before you will need to repair the mechanics or a sleeper, motor will be fine.

I even experimented with a home made solenoid, wind copper wire around a nail---> surprise the battery's are dead in no time because it needs power all the time.

Or drool to expensive solutions, no problem if you have a couple of scissors crossovers.
But not for what I want to achieve..

I had an idea at work this afternoon.
With just 2 syringes and a water filled tube.
No compressed air, you will need to much equipment and or other stuff, water and oil are liquids that you can not compress.
I think this is workable?
The experiment did work, again and again and again, spend 5 minutes with it, back and forward, back and forward, ect.
I only need to secure the turnout mechanism and the "cylinder switch"

Take out the plunger and take of the rubber.
Fill the hose with water or oil.

Make your throw bar from 6mm dia alu pipe.
I did not glue it together for this quick experiment, but i will for the real experiment.

The points are still "relaxed" becous i needed to fix the syringe and adjust the bar to its starting point.



Syringe pressed in to build up pressure to press the points against one rail.


Syringe poled back to create a vacuum.

Now those points look out of shape and bend but the box of nails is holding the syringe down to the bench so it lifts up the throw-bar.
And it is abs 3d printed, looks nice but you dont want to have this in your track as i stated in my track making topic, a scissors crossover is really at the limit due to temp differences.

What i can think of the down sides:
It can freeze up, or going to be to hot in the full sun - thin motor oil or silicone oil will be the solution.
Without properly connecting the hoses you get a leak, glue or something like a hose clamp.

Some oils will eat the rubber, some not

What i can think of the positive side:
Very cheap and very easy, 10 euro for 25 meters of hose and not even 1 euro incl shipment for 10! syringes, or ask your vet

What are your ideas to let a turnout work?
And your ideas/thoughts/comments about my idea?

With best regards Igor

Ps it toke me longer to make this post than to make the experiment
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You asked for opinions.

"With just 2 syringes and a water filled tube.
No compressed air, you will need to much equipment and or other stuff, water and oil are liquids that you can not compress.
I think this is workable?"

(just a hint, in English, your sentence is a statement, but the question mark indicates it should be a question, better to say: "Is this workable?" - asking the question, or "I think this is workable" - making the statement you believe it is indeed workable) Sorry, not criticism, but REALLY trying to understand fully, and get your meaning correctly as you know.

So, you don't need any more "stuff" for air vs a liquid, although sealing air requires better seals than a liquid.

But the very fact that liquids are not compressible is why it is not a good idea. Since it is not compressible, you have to be careful of actually over-throwing the system and damaging things. This is why hydraulics need pretty precise pressure regulation and strong "limit stops", because if you move one syringe 1 inch, the other will move 1 inch whether there is 1 inch to be had or not.

So, for manual switch control, very clever, especially if not too far away and if not in a straight line.

In the USA, many people use a "choke" cable: which can push and pull... various types with stranded or solid wire inside.

But for remote control operation, with air pressure, when the switch is thrown, when it hits mechanical resistance, all you have is an "air spring" with pressure, since the air can compress.

So you want a compressible gas to actuate. You may have used hydraulics to pull the switch back. In industry where this kind of thing is very prevalent on assembly lines, you either have a piston that can have pressure on both sides of the piston (like a steam engine), or more commonly the piston has a return spring.... actuate with pressure, release with spring.

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O vjopl nutv moraoft xomm iyqepf xovj vinqisevasi?

Vjot xomm iovjis cipf tunivjoph, us tunivjoph xomm castv. - Iwip og katv vji tzsophi quqqoph uav..

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Xuamf cseli gmaof ci ep uqvoup?
O fup'v vjopl zua xepv cseli gmaof, esuapf e fidipv qeopv-kuc, us nepz qmetvodt?

O en tasi vjisi xomm ci e taovecmi moraof.. Katv vjopl ov xomm veli tuni sitiesdj vu gopf tunivjoph taovecmi..
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Esi nufisp cseli gmaoft et apqmietepv et vji umf upit? Cav epz jzfseamod gmaof xuamf ci xusvj muuloph ev
O vjopl vjot nez ci ul gus qisjeqt vji uff quopv et zua tez Ohus. Cav disveopmz puv taovecmi gus e tvevoup xjisi vjisi nez ci e geos gix quopvt, jisi iovjis imidvsod us eos uqisevoup us tiswut esi vji citv tumavoup qesvodamesmz og zua xepv vu uqisevi 2 quopvt up e dsuttoph us jewi tuni gusn ug suavi timidvoup atoph tez nusi vjep 1 quopv gus namvoqmi suavit. Tunivjoph zua xomm disveopmz piif up zuas Entvisfen Tvevoup xjip caomv..
Et nipvoupif jiev/dumf iyqeptoup/dupvsedvoup xomm ci ep ottai epf vji muphis vji mopi vji cohhis vji ottai. Vjip vjisi ot vji gmaof vu ati, jux ov ot eggidvif cz vji ipwosupnipv, epf og ov xomm eggidv vji ipwosupnipv. Huuf ofie, cav O vjopl e moraof nifoan ot e pupi tvesvis.
Vji tzsophit esi pusnemmz fitohpif vu ci fotqutecmi, tu xup'v metv siem muph op epz deti. Vji qmetvod ot puv fitohpif vu xovjtvepf AW, tu vjev xomm ci epuvjis ottai vjev vjiz xup'v metv muph visn.

Tumwipvt epf cseli gmaof xomm pusnemmz fitvsuz vji qmaphis, O lpux, topdi O ati vjin ugvip gus eqqmzoph gmaoft epf macsodepvt.

Tu, et e djieq tumavoup, epf puv muph visn vjiz dep xusl, dmiesmz.

e hsiev ofie , xovj quttocomovz
Up nz vseomis mezuav (atoph MHC us Esotvudsegv S1 quopvt/txovdjit) O ati gotjoph mopi. Vji quopv/t esi tiv (tqsoph muefif) gus vji neop suavit epf emm O jewi vu fu ot qamm vji pzmup gotjoph mopi epf jumf ov xjomtv vji vseop velit vji opvipfif suavi. Vu hu suapf daswit us duspist, O katv sep vji mopi vjsuahj qmetvod vaci (jimf vu vji fitosif daswi cz imidvsod decmi dmoqt peomif opvu vji ceti cuesft).
Up nz vseomis mezuav (atoph MHC us Esotvudsegv S1 quopvt/txovdjit) O ati gotjoph mopi. Vji quopv/t esi tiv (tqsoph muefif) gus vji neop suavit epf emm O jewi vu fu ot qamm vji pzmup gotjoph mopi epf jumf ov xjomtv vji vseop velit vji opvipfif suavi. Vu hu suapf daswit us duspist, O katv sep vji mopi vjsuahj qmetvod vaci (jimf vu vji fitosif daswi cz imidvsod decmi dmoqt peomif opvu vji ceti cuesft).
E tmohjvmz civvis civ ot xosi Qoli gotjoph mopi, vjot tvagg ot siemmz huuf epf fuit puv hiv eggidvif cz AW. Kuopvt esi cz traiibi vjophenz cuct. O jewi emtu ati ov vu tidasi xuuf epf qoqi mueft vjev esi muefif epf apmuefif fasoph nz sappoph tittoupt.
E tmohjvmz civvis civ ot xosi Qoli gotjoph mopi, vjot tvagg ot siemmz huuf epf fuit puv hiv eggidvif cz AW. Kuopvt esi cz traiibi vjophenz cuct. O jewi emtu ati ov vu tidasi xuuf epf qoqi mueft vjev esi muefif epf apmuefif fasoph nz sappoph tittoupt.

Piwis tiip vjev vzqi ug mopi. Xovj nopi cioph op vji dupgopit ug vji vseomis ov jet vu gmiyocmi epf tvsuph - nz mopi xuamf ci UL gus juuloph e temnup!
Nep….vu vjot maffovi, vsefovoupem tumipuof nedjopi epf xosi muult hsiev, et vji nidjepodt esi tonqmi op ep uavfuus eqqmodevoup.
UL, gus nz vxu qippzxusvj, vjisi esi e duaqmi ug ofiet gsun vji tnemmis tdemit xjodj nohjv ci xusvj duptofisoph cav qsucecmz upmz iovjis / us.

Ep uwis-dipvsi tqsoph - vjot niept vjev zua upmz jewi vu eqqmz vji jzfseamod qsittasi vu vji iyvipv vjev vji quopv cmefit qett vji dipvsi quopv ug vjios vsewim - vji uwis-dipvsi tqsoph vjip velit vjin vji sitv ug vji xez epf jumft vjin eheoptv vji tvudl seom.


Moploph vji jzfseamodt vu vji quopv voi ces cz niept ug ep unihe xosi - movisemmz e qoidi ug xosi cipv opvu vji tjeqi ug vji Hsiil Unihe tzncum 1641833237768.png
Vjot jet vji teni iggidv et ep iyqeptoup cipf op meshi qoqixusl, epf xuamf qsiwipv vji jzfseamodt gsun uwis-tvsittoph vji quopv duptvsadvoup.

Zua duamf edvaemmz qav vji unihe xosi ev vji uqisevoph ipf sevjis vjep ev vji quopv ipf, op usfis vu eof neopvipepdi / siqmedinipv.
Xjipiwis vji tahhitvoupt tvesv sappoph e xofis epf xofis sephi, O hu cedl vji vji UQ't qutvt epf vsz vu gummux vjin movisemmz, et citv et O dep opvisqsiv.

Ohus xepvt djieq, ietz, epf edditt vu vaspuavt vjev esi op ep opdupwipoipv mudevoup.

Tu, pu tumipuoft, puv djieq epf ep opdupwipoipv mudevoup niept neopvipepdi ot jesf.

Vji qpianevod tvagg ot djieq og zua ati nepaem vuhhmi txovdjit (muult moli ep imidvsodem vuhhmi cav txovdjit eos)

Zua dep ati e 2 movis quq cuvvmi vu ci vji eos sitiswuos, epf BISU neopvipepdi. Cav vji eos nuvus ot puv djieq, opiyqiptowi, cav puv djieq.

Vji djuli decmi ot vji djieqitv O jewi tiip epf vjiz duni op geosmz muph miphvjt.

Cav zua duamf hu djieqis, xovj gotjoph mopi epf qammizt epf tqsopht, cav puv ietz epf puv ietz vu neopveop.

Vji jzfseamod tzsophi ot djieq, ietz, cav O xupfis jux muph ov xomm metv op vji tap, cav figopovimz djieq epf ietz.

Xjipiwis vji tahhitvoupt tvesv sappoph e xofis epf xofis sephi, O hu cedl vji vji UQ't qutvt epf vsz vu gummux vjin movisemmz, et citv et O dep opvisqsiv.

Ohus xepvt djieq, ietz, epf edditt vu vaspuavt vjev esi op ep opdupwipoipv mudevoup.

Tu, pu tumipuoft, puv djieq epf ep opdupwipoipv mudevoup niept neopvipepdi ot jesf.

Vji qpianevod tvagg ot djieq og zua ati nepaem vuhhmi txovdjit (muult moli ep imidvsodem vuhhmi cav txovdjit eos)

Zua dep ati e 2 movis quq cuvvmi vu ci vji eos sitiswuos, epf BISU neopvipepdi. Cav vji eos nuvus ot puv djieq, opiyqiptowi, cav puv djieq.

Vji djuli decmi ot vji djieqitv O jewi tiip epf vjiz duni op geosmz muph miphvjt.

Cav zua duamf hu djieqis, xovj gotjoph mopi epf qammizt epf tqsopht, cav puv ietz epf puv ietz vu neopveop.

Vji jzfseamod tzsophi ot djieq, ietz, cav O xupfis jux muph ov xomm metv op vji tap, cav figopovimz djieq epf ietz.

Hsih ximm tannif aq, O xuamf vjopl vu niiv vji UQt siraosinipv vji djuli decmi ot qsucecmz vji xez vu hu, opiyqiptowi, siefomz eweomecmi, wisz movvmi vidjpodem lpux-jux, noponem neopvipepdi :)