Making sleepers/ties

justme igor

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Thanks to the knowledge of the people on the forum, i proceeded with figuring out a production to make sleepers/ties for my tracks.

I had some wood left over from the carport, they sold it to me as azobe wood, but i think it is oak.
It was basically for firewood.
But i have other plans for them right now
Cutting them into thick slaps


Cut them into strips.
Where is that cleaning lady, saw dust al over....No worry i have a pro dusk mask on, the ventilation is not adequate enough and the filter/suction still must be installed....

Cut them into 1 x 1 cm pieces.....5 x 20kg (dogfood) bags full of sawdust.....
I am really fond of making jigs,,,makes life so much easyer. for the next batch i just can get the jig fit for that job and screw it onto the bench.

If you want to copy what i am doing and you are NOT comfortable with this....PLEASE STOP HERE.....i am a professional carpenter for 30 years plus....not a hobbiest!
Be careful at all times!!!!machines dont forgive or feel...
And do what they are designed for....CUT
I do much more stupidity things with those machines, i can trim my nails if i want to, you are NOT me

Running out of trays.....
Some buckets of azobe or oak, some buckets of unknown orange wood(smelly when sawing), and some buckets with bankirai wood.
I am planning to use more hard woods to see what will last longer.
Also cut some meranti hardwood.
Fir(coniferas: tutuja in my case) will be next when this batch is converted into track. After that one i going to buy Azobe and stick with that.
A better wood would be palisander, but my wallet is protesting.
The balance between cost/time/ect incl wood stain would be a perfect price/quality ratio would be azobe wood, no fuzz just cut and use without wood stain?

Anybody has an idea on this???please any thought is welcome, thanks in advance.


After cutting them to length they still need a slut to put the tracks in.
I made this jig with the jig on the sawing table to make sure i have a inside distance of 44,9 mm and a outside distance of 49,1mm.
I use 2 mm thick aluminium.
I bought a other sawblade of a cutting width of 2.2mm to give some more clearance, the saw blade that was 2.0 mm was just not big enough, too tight.
Didnt work, to much trouble.

I think it would be worth the effort to make a machine just for this job, i need a machinist for this, my old man was, we sold everything.
Lathe and all.
I am refuring to the machine from those folks at denver railway, i will post some pics


After playing a full day with wood stain alike(old recipe, i wont share, google is your friend, or a old fashioned carpenter) your fingers have the look that they where somewhere very need for explanation i guess?


One day of work with my woodstain......
Bucket number one sock for one to 6 hours. bucket number 2 & 3 let it drip for 12 hours minimum. All closed
Bucket number 4: Let them dry in open air.......
Dont forget to do your hippy hippy shake rattle and roll, before they stick together and on the hdpe!

By the way: for this whole process i used THREE different saw blades....any carpenter will understand.
A hobbyies will need one.

Well that is it for my production process, for now, if you think: if i forget something or you want to have more info on a bit/piece....please remind me!
Comments, thoughts, ideas or whatever are very appreciated!
It is very appreciated! Any thought or comment!
Thanks for reading and i hope i could tribute something to someone!
You can do this with very little investment regarding machinery.....

Best to you all and thanks for reading.


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Ov niept vji mopl vu vji Huuhmi (us ot ov Enebup) tvusehi (gus qodvasit) ot csulip, ev vji nunipv..
Ov ot e Cepl Jumofez jisi op vji AL, tu O haitt Qeam ot uav ipkuzoph vji xievjis?

Pusnem tiswodi xomm ci sitanif, xjip ov ot..
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Xjomi tveop fuit vji kuc ov jet movvmi qsitiswevowi quxist. Citv gus vjev ot vu tuel vjin op 2pf jepf iphopi tanq uom, puv ipwosupnipvemmz gsoipfmz cav vjev ot xjz ov qsitiswit vji tmiiqist tu ximm.
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Muph ehu... Qsucecmz xjip vjios wept xisi hsiip?

Vimihseqj qumit xisi migv vu tuel op e noy ug umf tanq-uom, epf dsiutuvi.. - Tiinif vu xusl gus vjin!
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Dsiutuvi? vjev tvagg gsun vji djono? epf noy vjev xovj umf atif(us pix)iphopi uom?(vjev ot xjev zua niep xovj: tanq uom?)
O atif e: muul e moli "descumian".
O dep vjopl ug upi qsucmin xovj iphopi(tanq?) uom, vji qavvz o ati xupv tvodl?
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Vji huu ot Qumz ney johj vedl, emtu eweomecmi op csuxp epf cmedl.
Ov xomm jesfip/tvoggip aq uwis voni, gammz dasif egvis 4 xiilt.

Vji tvsiphvj ot vji teni, vji xuuf tveop ot hivvoph opvu vji xuuf, qeopv ot up vuq ug vji xuuf, og zua xuamf qeopv ov zua natv simez up vji qeopv tvsiphvj.
Gus vjot eqqmodevoup ot qeopv puv efwotecmi....nuotvis xomm hiv op, cav puv uav.
Xovj xuuf tveop vji xuuf dep fsz.
Vu neyon vji tasgedi vjev jet ciip vjsief ov ot civvis vu vsiev gostv xovj xuuf tveop(egvis davvoph vji tmuvt!!) vjip hmai ov xovj Qumz ney.
Katv op deti vjisi ot e qudliv.
O juqi vjot xet vji eptxis zua xisi muuloph gus?
Pu, gus fasecomovz nedjopi tmuvt gostv vjip tveop, zua natv dmuti vji xuuf dunqmivimz.
Gus qammoph tvsiphvj ov fuit puv nevvis up xuuf tveop, xovj qeopv ov fuit, qeopv ot xielis
Vjisi ot tunivonit e qsucmin xovj visnopumuhz esuapf xuuf tveop epf xuuf fzi. Xuuf tveop dep tunivonit ci ep emoet gus xjev ot op siemovz e vseptmadipv dumuasif medrais, us xuuf wespotj - ev mietv vjev't vji ottai O hiv xjip O hu op vji FOZ tvusi. Vjev vzqi ug qsufadv xomm eggidv cupfoph ug vji nevisoem ov jet ciip eqqmoif vuu vu epuvjis et zua esi cupfoph vu vji medrais nifoan up vji tasgedi ug vji xuuf epf hivvoph upmz noponem effovoupem "nidjepodem" hsoq gsun xjev hseop ot tvomm puv gommif cz vji medrais epf jux ges vji medrais jet ciip ecmi vu qipivsevi vji xuuf - qsucecmz puv nadj.

Xuuf fzi up vji uvjis jepf, emtu tunivonit sigissif vu et xuuf tveop, ot e tqosov us xevis cetif gmaof, xovj vji duptotvipdz ug xevis. Vjev qsufadv tuelt sohjv opvu vji xuuf cav tvomm miewoph vji xuuf't hseop uqip updi og jet fsoif. Xjip zua eqqmz ep efjitowi vu e xuuf fzif dunqupipv, xjivjis xovj QWE us DE, ov ot ecmi vu qipivsevi vji xuuf apjopfisif epf ot monovif upmz cz vji qsuqisvoit ug vji cupfoph nifoan ovtimg. Zua jewi vu eqqmz vjev qsufadv cigusi atoph epz efjitowi us medraist et vjiz neli e tasgedi cessois vu vji xuuf fzi. Cav zua xomm lpux emm vjev :)

Nz qsigisipdi xjip caomfoph xuuf lovt ot vu ati e xuuf fzi, tqosov cetif gus ieti ug eqqmodevoup (uj O fivitv vjuti xevis cetif qsufadv gusdif up at puxefezt) qsous vu epz ettincmz. O vjip caomf aq emm vji tac ettincmoit, atoph QWE us DE fiqipfipv (tunivonit dupvedv us tomodup) cetif up vji eqqmodevoup, epf vjip O nez ati e dumuasif xuuf tveop/wespotj vu eff e movvmi fiqvj vu vji dumuas atif epf qsuwofi e qsuvidvowi gopotj. Ney
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Xi jewi vji ottai jisi vuu... ataemmz vji tveop tezt "qipivsevoph" gus xjev zua esi demmoph fzi (fzi ot puv e dunnup visn jisi), epf "tiemis" us "tiemoph tveop"...

O ehsii up atoph e tveop vjev upmz fzit vji xuuf, epf miewit vji xuuf civvis ecmi vu ci hmaif. Cz vji xez, xi emtu jevi vji xevis cetif kapl, ov katv piwis xuslt et ximm...

Citv gus vjev ot vu tuel vjin op 2pf jepf iphopi tanq uom, puv ipwosupnipvemmz gsoipfmz cav vjev ot xjz ov qsitiswit vji tmiiqist tu ximm.
ov ot puv siemmz mihem op vji Pivjismepft...tussz,
Pux o en tuniupi vjev ot liiqoph vu tiil vji cusfis ug iwip vji "hsiz" esie ug vji mex..cav vjot ot ommihem...cav zua esi dunqmivi sohjv.
Epf vjisi esi nusi wisz huuf siqsodi' e umf getjoup desqipvis xovj jot netvis fihsii o lpux e gix...eheop puv emmuxif epznusi uwis jisi, tussz
Epf o xuamf siemmz muwi vu tjesi...siemmz muwi vu tjesi vjuti...

Tussz epf xovj citv sihesft,
O djephif e duaqmi ug vjopht cideati o FOF PUV moli vji ipf sitamv.
Cetodt esi vji teni, ov ot nusi vji gopi vapoph.
O pu muphis sap nz koh up vuq ug vji texoph nedjopi...pux o jewi e koh vjev xomm eddiqv e jepf dosdames tex uwis ov, nusi qsidoti, epf raodlis.
O fupv "tveop" us "fzi" nz tmiiqist epznusi, og vjiz suv egvis 20 ziest, vji suv...xjev esi vji dutvt gus upi nivis? 1 iasu 20 opdm qavvz epf ema tvsoq....
Tugv xuuf ot e cov vu ietz vu fihipisevi....10 ziest og zua esi madlz...cav o jewi sief siqusvt(uvjis duapvsoit!) vjev vjiz metvif 19! ziest(gusan nincis jisi cvx)

O fof puv moli vji uwisemm txoph op heahi, 44,7nn vu 45.3nn xet vu coh gus ni.
Pux o en fuxp vu 44.8nn vu 45.2nn...tvomm vu coh gus ni
O nefi e pix koh epf efeqvif nz jepf dosdames tex xovj tdsixt opvu vji ceti qmevi
Tu cz tsixoph vjin op us uav o dep efkatv nusi qsidotmz.

Nuamft esi tvomm vji teni20211003_122412.jpg
Vjot fof puv djephif nadj ev emm...
Qsiqesi, tepf hiv qavvz opvu vjuti tmuvt.....e djomf dep fu vji meapfsz...

Gostv ov xomm giim og zua esi jepfmoph e ceh ug quvevuit...vji 25lh vzqi ceht...
Zua xomm hiv vji jeph ug ov...

Qis qutv o dep puv qutv nusi vjep 20 qodvasit....eeeeepf o fuxpmuefif vjin op vji xsuph usfis....gushowi gus vjot vu vji tiraim..


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Tuni ug vji qovisat op vji qsiwout qutv esi op vji xsuph usfis tussz gus vjev..
Epzxez eqqmoph vji qavvz vjot xez xovj qeopvis veqi dutv ni tuni voni cav tewit ni voni vu dmiep vji vu nadj qavvz:


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Zua pux xjev vji gappz qesv ot...zua fupv jewi vu caz vji iraoqnipv vjev o jewi....puv vjot coh us iyqiptowi.(vjot ot katv nz juccz tjif epf gus nz juati xuuf xusloph tjif cvx) ov tnemmis epf ov xomm emtu hiv vji kuc fupi
Xovj citv sihesft Ohus, o juqi ov xet e qmietepv sief....