USA Trains Smoke Unit Inquiry


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OK, I have a USA Trains Fan Driven smoke unit. Along with the smoke unit I have a USA Trains circuit board that that reduces the power to the smoke unit. These normally would be found in an SD-40. However I am using them in an LGB loco.

The smoke unit has two male plugs. The circuit board has three female sockets. I know, who would complain about too many females. All seriousness aside however, I would presume that the socket off to one side of the circuit board is the power socket. While the other two are for the smoke unit and the fan. The odd thing is that checking the two latter mentioned sockets with a volt meter, one puts out 6 volts while the other about 2 - 3 volts.
I am not an electrician. I don't have my SD40-2 apart now.
I have a SD70MAC smoke board here. The input is on the top right lets say. So the resistor out is the bottom right and the motor goes right above it. All are labeled right on the board.
I believe the motor needs less voltage than the resitor.
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