The Woodlock Line


UK Railway Signaller and Garden Railway Operator
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rsz_dsc02672.jpg Afternoon. After finally moving house from one of the biggest dumps I have had the misfortune of living in, i have bought a new house, and this means a new start for the garden railway too. I managed to salvage about 50% of the track from the old house. The new garden is not as big, so I plan on doing a simple circuit, passing loop, couple of sidings. This one is going to be small, but well detailed, having learnt a lot from my past railway. This will include natural borders between track and soil/planting. Must have a bridge, and a cutting, maybe an embankment. All ideas welcome, I am planning to build it in the area to the far side of the railway sleepers.
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Do it !! Nothing like a clean slate to start with. And as you wrote, you've been there done that, so you'll be less likely to commit the same sins as before.
Good news then Duncan, I shall look forward to watching your progress, ;)
Clean slate and all that! Await developments with interest :)
rsz_1rsz_dsc02674.jpg rsz_dsc02675.jpg After shovelling nearly 2 tons of gravel, the garden is starting to take shape and I have roughly laid out some track in the sort of circuit I want, minus a siding or two, as I need some new points. The gradient difference is not too noticeable but the garden actually drops about  14 inches from the loop to the fence at the back, so the ideal opportunity to have an embankment and bridge over a dry `river`.
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rsz_dsc02680.jpg rsz_dsc02681.jpg rsz_dsc02682.jpg A windy but warm day in the garden, has allowed me to start the track bed for the loops and station area. The garden railway area is now protected from the `Pet` Rabbit that I had visions of causing mas destruction, there is now a small fence to separate the area. Another few years, and I may be able to run trains. Cant wait to get some soil in and plant it all up, with ferns, conifer and rockery plants. Rocks!........ How much.....
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Well it's certainly coming on. The slope to the fence is more noticeable now that you have the track foundations in but you will be able to take advantage of that! Keep the pics coming.
Duncan - in my experience, after this brilliant start, you'll be negotiating with the powers that be, to lay a nice flower bed down one side of the gravel garden - "to give a bit more colour and for plants to grow up the fence" and of course, running between her plants will be an Extension.... I worked this ploy 3 times in the past, tripling my running line. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of unused garden space now!

Good luck!
ahh yes, the rest of the garden! Lets just say it is a compromise, the rest of the garden is for potted plants and furnature or something. tutt.
rsz_dsc_2126.jpg rsz_dsc_2127.jpg rsz_1dsc_2128.jpg rsz_dsc_2129.jpg Trip to the garden centre and came back with a few half price plants now that they have turned into a Christmas tack  shop.
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It's amazing what a difference the planting makes 8)
rsz_dsc_0056.jpg rsz_dsc_0037.jpg rsz_dsc_0035.jpg After 3 weeks of dull, misty, foggy, rainy days here in Pontefract, today has been cold but stunning. Combine that with a day in the garden, and some of the new layout is ballasted, more plants, and some backfilling completed. Here are some pics to update my progress.
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Very nice layout you've got there. Will look great when those plants fill out. Planning on some bark mulch or something else going down to cover the black membrany stuff ? Watch out for that nice little bright green conifer two down from the fern, it can grow to 18ft in 10 years. Don't ask me how I know. My two are starting to wink at me through the bedroom window after 9 years. Always check the labels for projected growth on plants when buying. Max.
Great. I like the fact the back straight is most definitely not straight. ;D
cheers for the kind coments. I shall keep a close eye on the conifers. not sure what to cover the weed control stuff with, I wanted natural borders up to the track, so may well use soil, with 'stepping stones' or bark hard chips.