Popping Sound from Brand New LGB RhB Glacier Express Locomotive

Keith RhB

23 Oct 2012
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Very interesting! I recently received a new LGB 4/4 I loco, and I also get the popping noise...and I also had turned off the MFX option...so I will turn CV50 back to 15 and report back. This is my third MFX decoder and I really like them—after much experimentation with BEMF settings and momentum etc., they are super smooth...just as good as my Zimo decoders. I’m also running a Massoth CS and the MFX decoders program nicely. I’ll post back once I try making that change to CV50...thanks!

Keith RhB

23 Oct 2012
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Well I changed CV50 back to 15 and it doesn’t seem to make the popping noise anymore. I did notice another odd behaviour with this decoder—it makes an odd “fizzle” that sounds like a short when I program it on the main, right after it’s written the CV. I suspect it’s when it gives a little power to the motor as it writes but it’s quite unusual. In any case thanks for the tip about the popping sound! MLGB really needs to up their game when it comes to better default settings. This decoder can be made to run amazingly well but it’s a black art interpreting their CV descriptions and how they interact with each other.


DOGS, Garden Railways, Steam Trains, Jive Dancing,
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25 Oct 2009
St.Neots Cambridgeshire UK
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Pretty well most CV‘s are a dark art in themselves. Trying to get a brand new motor to run smoothly can be a real issue at times and not just with MFX, Massoth and others can be tricky as well. It is as if the Chip manufacturers appear to think that we all want to make playing about with Cv’s a lifetimes hobby.
8 Mar 2014
San Diego
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Well, some manufacturers make CVs that should be independent of each other, but somehow interact.

This is best illustrated with the Massoth templates, where often it's a certain combination of seemingly unrelated CVs that are needed. Thus the almost mandatory use of templates.

In the USA we don't like that at all, and use such fussy equipment for door stops.

Not all CVs are a dark art, I must disagree. Also I have very few issues with smoothly running motors, based on 1. Knowing that certain low impedance motors will give BEMF fits, and 2. Using quality decoders with excellent motor control like Zimo.

It should be expected that adding yet another protocol to a decoder designed to be a "swiss army knife" will have "teething issues", but somehow the manufacturer's attitude seems to be "this is the way it is"... luckily in DCC, there are many options, and as we say here, we can vote with our feet... don't buy problematic stuff.
