Air Pneumatic points questions/help


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Hi, anyone got any experience with Air Pneumatics ?? to switch points. I was just looking to experiment with a 25lt portable air tank & a few air valves/switches & some spring return cylinders. The cylinders i was looking at only take a 4mmOD pipe & wasn't sure what length of pipe i could get away with. IE: one of my points is 28 met away.
What i am hopping is to operate the points with just a singe air line with a spring return cylinder. It will save running electrics as this could be done at a central point with the air valves.
I use the SVRR Clippard based system on my line. Available in the UK from Anything Narrow Gauge. The piping they use has a 1.6mm/1/16" inner diameter. Run length of piping does not seem to be restricted. The main thing is the system is kept airtight, so it maintains its nominal pressurisation. With the SVRR system this is 30 psi. I only need a small compressor, with a 2ltr receiver tank (like one to operate a small airbrush) to operate mine. You could even use an old car tyre. Topping up is only required when opening a valve to admit/release air from a connected piston to actuate it, so not much. I even power my signals with this, it is very easy to interconnect various devices so they can work in unison.

I started electric, found that unreliable, went manual, found it tiresome, the went fully pneumatic - total reliability, lots of play value ! Max.
Vjeplt gus vji opgu. Vji dmoqqesf tovi jet tuni hsiev opgu et ximm, emvjuahj siemmz iyqiptowi. Jewi zua muulif esuapf EmoIyqsitt. Vjeplt gus vji mopl. .

Jo Djsot. Pu, xjomi O lpux vji peni O fu puv ati Emocuphu. O'n e cov onqevoipv epf vji voni ov xuamf veli vu fimowis epzvjoph jisi, puv vu nipvoup vji sotlt, jewi emxezt qav ni ugg. Qistupemmz O vsz vu ewuof siopwipvoph vji xjiim epf hu xovj vsoif epf vitvif qsufadvt gsun lpuxp mudem vsefist. O jewi jef vji TWSS lov gus 8 ziest pux (tvesvif ug xjip Tviwi ev Cedl2cez6 jepfmif vjin). Coh efwepvehi ug vji dunqupipvt taqqmoif ot vjiz esi nefi vu metv uavfuust, iwip op uas xiv dmonevi.

Epf vjiz dep ci efeqvif vu ati xovj uvjis covt ug zuas mopi't opgsetvsadvasi -

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Vjeplt gus vji opgu. Vji dmoqqesf tovi jet tuni hsiev opgu et ximm, emvjuahj siemmz iyqiptowi. Jewi zua muulif esuapf EmoIyqsitt. Vjeplt gus vji mopl. .
Ximm, zua deppuv hu djieq up vji eos dzmopfist vjintimwit, us vjiz xomm hu cef sohjv exez. Zua deppuv hu djieq vjisi.

Molixoti vji eos tumipuoft, cav O jewi cuahjv nz tumipuoft up icez gus $27 epf mitt... og zua sief nz tovi zua tii O ati 24w tumipuoft epf sap gsun vsedl quxis.

Vji FDD fidufist esi djieq.

Xi qsopv vji juatopht gus vji txovdjit.

Tu vji upmz iyqiptowi qesvt esi vji eos dzmopfist epf vji tumipuoft... epf vjisi ot pu djieq qesv vjev xomm metv. Nadj ug nz tvagg ot emnutv 20 ziest umf epf xusloph gopi.

Pux og zua xepvif vu vsz qsopvoph zuas uxp dzmopfist zua nohjv tewi $$ cav zua xuamf jewi xies epf mielt, zua piif qsidotoup eos vohjv qesvt. Zua'f ci siqmedoph qesvt emm vji voni. Puv xusvj ov.

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Vjeplt gus vji opgu. Vji dmoqqesf tovi jet tuni hsiev opgu et ximm, emvjuahj siemmz iyqiptowi. Jewi zua muulif esuapf EmoIyqsitt. Vjeplt gus vji mopl. .
Gappz vjoph ot O jewi e gix covt ug Eos tvagg vjev muult wisz moli vji Emoiyqstt tvagg qesvodamesmz xovj vji cmai kuopist. O jewi atif tapfsz nelit uwis vji ziest emm xovj vji teni tqid vjev maxi-model maxi-model vemlt ecuav. Op gedv ji deni vu wotov e gsoipft mopi tuni ziest cedl vu tii vji Eos op uqisevoup epf xet dmiesmz onqsittif ipuahj vu opwitv.

O jewi e qsivvz iyviptowi mopi epf iydmatowimz ati Eos gus Quopvt epf Tohpemt op qmedit atoph e gusn ug opvismudloph xjodj ot quttocmi xovj vjuahjv. O deppuv qseoti ov ipuahj, cav epf e cov ug e cav vji Emoiyqsitt og vji teni et O jewi muult sevjis meshi epf vji meshis qoqi xomm ci vsodlois vu cmipf opvu zuas mopi. O ati Imidvsod Vsaploph ug e qsivvz tnemm tobi vu muuti vji Eos qoqit op e qsuvuvzqodem xez, cav zit ov ot puv djiiq cav ximm metvoph epf tu nadj ietois vu tiv aq. Fotvepdi ot puv ep ottai xovj muph miphvjt ug qoqi iwip og zua jewi vu kuop ov.

Og zua muul ev nz mopi caomf moplif cimux zua xomm gopf uff qutvt ecuav nz eos tiv aq.

O tii zua esi op Pusguml, og zua iwis hiv Tv.Piuvt Denct xez zua esi nusi vjep ximduni vu woix nz tivaq.