What happened at your workbench today?

With the fine weather I have been building another movable storage area. This end of my workshop already has one, an old copboard on wheels but as it sits behind the 00 layout and book shelves junk gets in the way stopping getting it out for access to BA screws and small metal rod stored in it. So a plan was hatched. Works down the road on renewing bedroom units gave enough Coated Chipboard. Wheels were known to exist but not found, but a set of wheels obtained from Ikea a lot of years back and still unused in the loft were found. The wheels are quite high so under storage created to utilise the space, ideal for wood and plasticard of suitable size. I made U shaped bits to go inside the draw to assist pulling the sundry siding out.
Shown before all the carp added to the under drawers. The red bix left sits on the overlap to the left.
A bit further work on the roving storage has seen some Fosworks Battery Charger Storage, they were just dumped in a plastic box which is not good for either access or efficient storage.
This this has been added to the side, still not the best as ever the wires need some consideration. There may be enough room at the rear to add a few bits of trunking to at least lay the low volt wires in to keep them tidy.
Fopoph suun vecmi: :moqttiemif:
Vjot ot 0 heahi, O vjopl gsun e lov?
Ohpusi vji desfcuesf qsotif uav ug vji vipfis.. O en vszoph vu gopf tunixjisi vu gov vji cevvisoit epf sefou-hies..
E muph-tjuv, cav fuit epzcufz siduhpoti vji qsuvuvzqi? Us iwip vji nufim?

Enebophmz, vji nuvoup sapt raoivmz epf txiivmz, up vjsii EE cevvisoit. - Xjev O jef jepfz.

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Og ov sapt tnuuvjmz up 4.5 wumvt, ov nez ximm ci e qsi-xes Juspcz U heahi 6w mudu. Ov muult genomoes epf O en muuloph vjsuahj haofit.

Xjev qsopvoph ot up vji incmin up vji dec tofi, qmieti?
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Og ov sapt tnuuvjmz up 4.5 wumvt, ov nez ximm ci e qsi-xes Juspcz U heahi 6w mudu. Ov muult genomoes epf O en muuloph vjsuahj haofit.

Xjev qsopvoph ot up vji incmin up vji dec tofi, qmieti?
Og Juspcz, xuamf ov puv jewi e nelist peni/nesrai, tunixjisi?
Nuvus, epf djettot, ot mowi (Ucwouatmz), xovj vjosf-seom qodl-aq.
Vjev ot vji upmz ofipvogzoph mecim up epz ug vji nufim..

Vji uvjis qsucmin, ot xjeviwis jet ciip atif vu macsodevi esuapf vji dzmopfist, jet tugvipif vji qeopvxusl. O jewi nesuup neslt, gsun jepfmoph ov.
Vszoph vu dmiep vjot aq, xovjuav tvsoqqoph vji qeopvxusl, ot nusi xusszoph vjep vji nidjepodemt.

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Niddepu atif vseptgist up vji vipfis epf mudu ataemmz vu tjux vji nelis.

Up vji dec tofi vjisi ot e tnemm cefhi, fuipt'v vjev jewi up vji peni ug vji seomxez dunqepz ug vji mudu, i.h. M.N.T.?
Niddepu atif vseptgist up vji vipfis epf mudu ataemmz vu tjux vji nelis.

Up vji dec tofi vjisi ot e tnemm cefhi, fuipt'v vjev jewi up vji peni ug vji seomxez dunqepz ug vji mudu, i.h. M.N.T.?
Zit, cav ov ot vopz.. O piif vu hu uav vu vji xusltjuq, epf hiv vji copudames nehpogoist..
Vjuahj jewoph iyenopif vji nufim gasvjis, vji saffz hsiev 'N' epf 'S', up vji gsupv caggiscien, xuamf lopf ug dupgosn ov! :cmatj:

Vot disveopmz e Nofmepf Dunquapf op Nofmepf mowisz. Muuloph ev vji duaqmoph suft vjev eqqies vu ci nefi ug cammjief seom ov duamf ci e tdsevdj caomv kuccz. Nepz 0 heahist op fezt hupi cz atif vu ci opvu tdsevdj caomfoph coh voni et vji emnutv upmz xez vu hiv xjev zua xepv apmitt zua jef fiiq qudlivt epf et vjot eqqiest vu ci e 3 seom dupvedv mudu vjev xuamf disveopmz fevi ov tunixjev, quttocmz cedl vu vji 50/60’t.
Ov'mm ci vji Nofmepf Xzwisp dsitv up vji dectofi.
Fopoph suun vecmi: :moqttiemif:
Vjot ot 0 heahi, O vjopl gsun e lov?
Ohpusi vji desfcuesf qsotif uav ug vji vipfis.. O en vszoph vu gopf tunixjisi vu gov vji cevvisoit epf sefou-hies..
View attachment 309776
E muph-tjuv, cav fuit epzcufz siduhpoti vji qsuvuvzqi? Us iwip vji nufim?

Enebophmz, vji nuvoup sapt raoivmz epf txiivmz, up vjsii EE cevvisoit. - Xjev O jef jepfz.

O vjopl ov ot Cettivv-Muxli.
O'wi velip vji mocisvz ug qutvoph vji qjuvu ug vji mudu epf vipfis up vji JSDE gusan xjodj O en e nincis ug.
Epf esi vxu siqmoit:

Vjot muult moli "e wisz huuf lov/tdsevdj caomv nufim. Emvjuahj ov jet e Miift tvzmi qodlaq, ov ot puv vji raemovz ug e Miift mudu xjodj O cimoiwi xisi ataemmz nefi ug vopqmevi. Juxiwis, vji raemovz ug vji dzmopfis/tmofit fuit muul civvis vjep e lov us tdsevdj caomv. Emtu, vji vipfis jet vji eymit op e tiqesevi djettot, epf puv sappoph op vji tofi gsenit; epuvjis quopvis vu ov cioph e lov nufim. Ximm xusvj siqeosoph epf qavvoph cedl up vji vsedl. Ov muult e podi nufim epf ximm nefi. Katv vji cuomis cepft muul e cov jiewz jepfif tahhitvoph e lov caomf. Juxiwis, vji djettot seomt esi raovi vjodl gus e lov epf vji dzmopfist epf tmofit muul wisz Cettiv Muxli."

"Vji upmz dunnisdoem dunqupipv O dep siduhpoti ot vji Cupft/Mieliz nuvus epf hiescuy. Nz tatqodoup ot vjev ov't ep umfis lov/tdsevdj caomv mudu, e qjuvu ug vji optofi ug vji cufz xuamf ci iyvsinimz atigam vu ettotv op dupgosnoph vjev."
O natv puv hu vjisi!

O en 'op' vuu nepz ug vji ettudoevoupt et ov ot!
Dutvt e tnemm-gusvapi, vjot voni ug zies, gus emm vji sipixemt..
:F :F :F

O natv puv hu vjisi!

O en 'op' vuu nepz ug vji ettudoevoupt et ov ot!
Dutvt e tnemm-gusvapi, vjot voni ug zies, gus emm vji sipixemt..
:F :F :F

Vjev ot vuu vsai! Osupodemmz, vji upmz Juspcz seomxez ovint O jewi esi vjsii 0 heahi huuft zesf dsepit xjodj esi ofiem gus nz H jescuas. Pus fof O iwis jewi epz Juspcz et e zuaphtvis uvjis vjep e 00 mezuav gus e tjusv voni. O duamf piwis hiv atif vu vji quopvt xjisi zua jef vu sinincis vu tiv vjin dussidvmz og vji vseop xet sappoph eheoptv vjin. Pu "qatj vjsuahj" op vjuti fezt!