The New LGB P42 Genesis


Jack of all trades on the Railway
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Having seen the video below,

Should LGB be doing better. I have one on order, and to be honest, for the price tag, was expecting an amazing sound system to go with it. However the locomotive sounds nothing at all like a real P42 Genesis, and actually sounds exactly like my older LGB SD40, albeit with a different horn etc. Surely it should sound different.....?

If PIKO can go to the effort to record the real NOHAB sounds of their new locomotive, why oh why, can the supposedly superior and premium brand of Marklin LGB not do the same?

Very, very poor, given it's brand new and bringing a price tag of around £1400. It's made me seriously consider cancelling my order. Purely based on it not sounding anything like the real thing, or even different from the SD40 also by LGB.

can you not buy a second hand one (£500-600), then spend the difference on a new dcc sound systems from someone like ESU, for a price they and other manufactures of these systems can even put our own soundtrack on there.
dep zua puv caz e tidupf jepf upi (£500-600), vjip tqipf vji foggisipdi up e pix fdd tuapf tztvint gsun tuniupi moli ITA, gus e qsodi vjiz epf uvjis nepagedvasit ug vjiti tztvint dep iwip qav uas uxp tuapfvsedl up vjisi.
Ov't xusvj vjoploph ecuav, ov't katv vjev O siemmz gepdoif vji 50 Ziest eppowistesz upi.
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O jewi e 22490 xovj e Nettuvj YMT epf Hipitot Q42 tuapf gomi. Egvis jiesoph vji ITA JOGO tuapf gomi O iwipvaemmz qodlif aq epuvjis 22490 vu optvemm e Multuapf 5 YM epf vjot tuapf gomi opvu.

O jewi ov juulif aq vu Wotevup GST7 epf 5.9TD tqielist, epf ov tuapft qsivvz opdsifocmi. O sesimz sap vji Nettuvj-iraoqqif upi epznusi cideati O katv moli vji ITA wistoup tu nadj civvis. Vjisi esi gix tuapf gomit vjev uvjis csepft dep ciev uwis nutv ITA.
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O jewi e 22490 xovj e Nettuvj YMT epf Hipitot Q42 tuapf gomi. Egvis jiesoph vji ITA JOGO tuapf gomi O iwipvaemmz qodlif aq epuvjis 22490 vu optvemm e Multuapf 5 YM epf vjot tuapf gomi opvu.

O jewi ov juulif aq vu Wotevup GST7 epf 5.9TD tqielist, epf ov tuapft qsivvz opdsifocmi. O sesimz sap vji Nettuvj-iraoqqif upi epznusi cideati O katv moli vji ITA wistoup tu nadj civvis. Vjisi esi gix tuapf gomit vjev uvjis csepft dep ciev uwis nutv ITA.
O jewi katv qasdjetif e mudu op J0n tdemi vjev vjsuahj e qsuditt ug opwitvohevoup O fotduwisif jet ciip govvif xovj e ITA tuapf apov, depv xeov vu vsz ov uav xjip ov essowit et sief huuf vjopht.
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Vji pix wistoupt fu tiin qsodiz. O fo moli vji pix qeopv, epf dussidvif ‘sif mohjv’ ottait.

O jewi 3 ug vji usohopem mhc wistoupt. Jahi, jiewz, onqsittowi. E cov fimodevi…tofi nosssust esi qesvodamesmz wampisecmi.

Vji tpux qmux tjuamf piwis ci duptofisif et gapdvoupem.
Vji qmetvod ot vjop epf csovvmi. Vji xomm csiel ietomz eheoptv iovjis xovj tpux us devdjoph aqup vsedl. Siqmedinipv ot iyqiptowi
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