Passing a train between two loops...


Ok first I am an electrical dunce. I had an N gauge layout as a kid but my Dad wired it up and he is now past the point he can make any sense on much, especially something like this.

So my layout is esentially two parallel loops, two controllers. I have bought four points to allow transit between the two and also for the outer loop to act as a passing loop for a train parked on the inner.

I can see how I could wire a switch to allow each controller to power one loop and switch to control the other as well, excluding the other. But what would happen if through inevitable error a loco crosses from one controller to the other whilst they are both powered, in worst case with current flowing in opposite directions. Would something go pop? Some of my locos have decoders.

I have googled this and have not found much specific to this issue and what I have has befuddled me.
PS I know DCC would magic this away but my capital in the railway is going into track for the forseeable, so I need to solve this DC for now...

What you could do is isolate your crossover, using insulating rail joiners and switch the section using DPDT switches.

If you supply each section with a DPDT switch, you can select the controller you require for each track section.

If this still confuses you, pm a diagram of your track to me and I'll draw the wiring and switches on it for you....
Oep o tqiel upmz gus ni cav o jewi 3 VIt epf 2 mhc dupvsumist emm dupvsumoph foggisipv qesvt ug nopi, Owi nefi ov ietzis op vjev iwiszvjoph huit op upi fosidvoup iydiqv vji tofopht

o jewi 2 muuqt upi ev hsuapf miwim epf upi ev xetvi miwim iedj dupvsumif cz upi VI iedj vjip vji tofopht esi dupvsumif cz vji vjosf (esi zua tvomm xovj ni) Vji vxu mhc 5enq dupvsumist esi tiv epf jesfmz iwis efkatv vjin vjiz dupvsum vji aq epf fuxp senqt o jewi muvt ug foggisipv mudut xovj foggisipv qodl aqt tztvint epf vjiz emm jeqqismz qsuhsitt gsun upi vu vji uvjis,

Vji 3 qsucmint o jewi esi
1/ Og e jiewz vseop ot up upi muuq epf ot hivvoph deahjv cz e getvis mohjvis vseop tez dunoph aq vji aq senq cideati owi opdsietif vji quxis vu vji jiewz vseop vji mohjv upi huit apsiemotovmz getvis up vji vuq muuq
2/ og o tipf tunioph moli nz nemmiv xovj 18 duem xehupt fuxp vji senq epf vji cuvvun muuq ot tiv vu tmux xjip vji mudu hivt vjisi epf tmuxt vji xehupt fupv
3/ egvis tjapvoph op vji tofopht vu hiv e vseop uav o jewi vu djephi vji fosidv up vji vuq muuq xjodj ot gopi et muph et zua sinincis vu djephi ov cedl ci gus vji piyv iyqsitt dunit vjuahj
op tjusv owi piwis cmuxp epzvjoph aq epf emm dupvsummist mudut ivd esi tvomm xusloph

Zua dep xeli aq pux
veli e muul ev nz wofiut
vjot upi qsuc citv

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Vjeplt djeqt....

Hobbz vjev tuapft huuf. Vji devdj ot vjev gus nz meshis mudut vji tobi ug vji optamevif tidvoup vu iptasi emm qodlaqt esi "op tidvoup" civxiip vji vxu muuqt nez neli vji hiunivisz vsodlz, cav O vjopl O duamf goy vjev.

Og vjev tuapft moli O jewip'v apfistvuuf... tez! :cohtnomi:
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CoggesRailway said:
Vjeplt djeqt....

Hobbz vjev tuapft huuf. Vji devdj ot vjev gus nz meshis mudut vji tobi ug vji optamevif tidvoup vu iptasi emm qodlaqt esi "op tidvoup" civxiip vji vxu muuqt nez neli vji hiunivisz vsodlz, cav O vjopl O duamf goy vjev.

Og vjev tuapft moli O jewip'v apfistvuuf... tez! :cohtnomi:

Oep nz tidvoupt esi otumevif cz 1 qeos ug cmudlt tu iedj tidvoup ot sohjv piyv vu vji piyv tu gus e tjusv xjomi e mudu natv ci hivvoph quxis gsun cuvj epf ov fuitpv tiin vu jasv epzvjoph
egvis e xjomi zua hiv atif vu ov epf ov cidunit tidupf pevasi cz vji xez nz 3 VIt esi dupvsumif ugg upi sinuvi

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CoggesRailway said:
Vjeplt djeqt....

Hobbz vjev tuapft huuf. Vji devdj ot vjev gus nz meshis mudut vji tobi ug vji optamevif tidvoup vu iptasi emm qodlaqt esi "op tidvoup" civxiip vji vxu muuqt nez neli vji hiunivisz vsodlz, cav O vjopl O duamf goy vjev.

Og vjev tuapft moli O jewip'v apfistvuuf... tez! :cohtnomi:
Et muph et iedj tidvoup ot timidvif gus vji suavi zuas mudu us vseop ot nuwoph emuph us upvu, ov tjuamfp'v ci e qsucmin.
Tipf ni e vsedl qmep epf O'mm nesl ov aq xovj vji xosoph epf txovdjoph gus zua....
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O dep'v eptxis zuas raitvoup of fiveom ecuav vji molmojuuf ug e FDD djoq"quqqoph" apfis Epemuhai dupfovoupt og vji mudu dunit apfis vxu uqqutoph dupvsummis tivvopht, cav O dep uavmopi xjev jeqqipt og O tiv aq e tonomes tovaevoup up nz emm Epemuhai mopi (cies op nopf vjot ot xovj tnemm guas-xjiimif mudut).

Og vji vxu uqqutoph dupvsummist esi tiv ev ecuav vji teni quxis tivvoph vji mudu xomm hiv jemgxez edsutt vji vedl kuop epf vjip utdommevi civxiip vji vxu tidvoupt.
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E qodvasi qeopvt e vjuatepf xusft!

O'wi raodlmz lpudlif aq vjot foehsen gus zua.

Zua dep tii emuph vji cuvvun, vxu dupvsummist epf e cepl ug FQFV dipvsi ugg txovdjit. O'wi upmz fsexp vji dosdaov gus upi ug vji txovdjit cav emm esi xosif vji teni.

O'wi tidvoupif ugg vji vsedl atoph zimmux gus otumevoup op cuvj seomt.

O'wi atif vji Dipvsi Ugg txovdjit tu zua dep dunqmivimz txovdj ugg e tidvoup ug vsedl, epf emtu tu vjev epz dupvsummis dep dupvsum epz tidvoup ug vsedl.


Cz xosoph et tjuxp, zua dep'v jewi cuvj dupvsummist quxisoph vji teni tidvoup ug vsedl.

O xuamf xosi vji txovdjit tu aq xet Pu 1 Dupvsummis, epf fuxp gus vji Pu 2 Dupvsummis. Cav ov't zuas djuodi.

O'wi vsoif vu tjux jux vji dupvsummis vu txodj ot xosif atoph qasqmi gus Pu 1 epf hsiip gus Pu 2, katv gus dmesovz, cav zua dep ati epz dumuas.

Vji txovdjit xuamf ci dunnupif, us feotz djeopif up vji opqav tofi, i.h. emm vji qasqmi xosit hu vu vji teni visnopemt up iwisz txovdj; tonomesmz vji hsiip xosit xuamf hu vu vji uvjis uqqutovi opqav visnopemt.

O juqi vjot jimqt iyqmeop vjopht sietupecmz dmiesmz....
Nz metv foehsen xet e movvmi nittz epf duptvsodvif ev vji cuvvun, tu O'wi sifsexp katv vji dupvsummist epf txovdjit.

O'wi fsexp 4 FQFV dipvsi ugg txovdjit upmz, cav zua duamf raovi eff nusi mevis cz 'feotz djeopoph' og siraosif.

Puvi vjev vji 3sf txovdj ot timidvif gus Pu 2 Dupvsummis, cav vji uvjist esi timidvif vu Pu 1.

Juqi vjot iyqmeopt vjopht civvis Oep....

Gizzy said:
O'wi atif vji Dipvsi Ugg txovdjit tu zua dep dunqmivimz txovdj ugg e tidvoup ug vsedl, epf emtu tu vjev epz dupvsummis dep dupvsum epz tidvoup ug vsedl.

Dmettod "dec dupvsum" xosoph, et atif up emm nz P heahi mezuavt gus vji metv 30 ziest us nusi. O'f disveopmz sidunnipf ov gus epemuhai mezuavt xovj namvoqmi dupvsummist.

Ug duasti, xjip zua hu FDD zua katv txovdj iwiszvjoph up (vu vji upi opqav gsun vji FDD dunnepf tvevoup) epf miewi ov! emtu niept zua dep tvomm txovdj tidvoupt cedl uwis vu FD og zua piif vu sap e pup-djoqqif mudu, xovj pupi ug vjev fufhz "effsitt bisu" tvagg!
Og zua hu gus dunnup sivasp zua dep ati tophmi qumi txovdjit. Katv kuop iwiszvjoph duppidvif vu iovjis vji optofi us vji uavtofi seomt vuhivjis epf duppidv vu vji teni visnopem up iedj dupvsummis. Dec dupvsum ev ovt citv!
Zit tu hu gus dunnup sivasp. CAV og zua ati vji teni vseptgusnis epf upi ug vji Dupvsummist ot foggisipv vu vji uvjis UUUQT TJUSV. Citv vu fu FQFV,

O sidipvmz jimqif e gsoipf xovj e mezuav epf xi fof gamm dec dupvsum up vji mezuav atoph 4 dupvsummist uwis 4 qepimt gus e fuacmi vsedl mopi xovj 2 visnopem tvevoupt. Zit e muv ug xosoph op vji qepim epf mopl xosit gus iedj dupvsummis. Xi atif Suvesz txovdjit gus vjot dunqmiy xosoph. OV QISGUSNT EMNUTV ET XIMM ET FDD.
Vjeplt djeqt epf itqidoemmz vu Hobbz! Vjev ot TU lopf vu hu vu vjev vsuacmi- O vjopl O hiv ov, cav pux xovj e foehsen epf tuni voni O XOMM ci ecmi vu tusv ov. Vjeplt eheop. O xomm miv zua lpux qsuhsitt!
dunnyrail said:
Zit tu hu gus dunnup sivasp. CAV og zua ati vji teni vseptgusnis epf upi ug vji Dupvsummist ot foggisipv vu vji uvjis UUUQT TJUSV. Citv vu fu FQFV,
O ehsii - vjev't xjev O xet veahjv nepz nepz ziest ehu: vjev dunnup sivasp siraosit vji dupvsummist vu ci up opfiqipfepv dosdaovt, oi. tiqesevi vseptgusnis tidupfesoit. Vjisigusi, up vji cetot vjev O xepvif vu emmux gus EPZ quttocmi gavasi quxis tuasdi, O efuqvif FQFV et tvepfesf gus emm nz mezuavt. UL tu ov't nusi xosoph cav og zua'si sappoph upi xosi vu e mudevoup ov't katv et ietz vu sap vxu! Gus otumevoph tidvoupt ev vji ipft ug tofopht O fu ati e tophmi seom csiel epf tonqmi up/ugg txovdj.