Mrs Miggins' (Trifles) Ltd.

A shot of the shunter bonnet access door prints today.

Needs a bit of fettling but generally pleased. I did them 1mm thick but I think perhaps thats a bit chunky. Here thay are just plopped onto the side of the loco. all seems well apart from the radiator side vents are a bit wide for the ladder (Thats why they are on top of the ladder) and they are a bit thick but I'm not sure about going thinner than 1mm. Hmmm.

Bit more today with the tankers. As they are Ch*n*s*, the quality is rubbish. However, I have managed to rebuild them so far. The couplings were removed, along with the single buffer and rivet detail on the buffer beams to leave a flat surface. The single axle bogies were Araldited into the correct position and Accucraft wheels fitted, replacing the extremely doubious ones supplied. Some spacers were also introduced to lift the wagon a few mm up to the shunters buffers. The tankers are still a bit low but not worse than I have seen in real life. Upon reassembly, the four self tapper screws used to attach the end bed plates to the chassis frame spun in their threads. Quelle Surprise! I solved this by just super glueing them in. They wont be coming apart again so it does not matter. If they fail, I will drill through and put a 10BA bolt, nut and washers in there to replace them.
The buffers are prints, with the original brake pipe and a pair of 19mm drawing pins for the buffer faces. Bit big but I think they will go round R1, again, we will see. The coupling hook is also printed. I reasoned that the force exerted by three other wagons would not break the hook, if they break then I will remake them with brass. If I make them with brass, then I will incorporate a hole for a coupling chain to be held within the hooks assembly, like a real wagon. The walkway at one end of each wagon has had to be removed to get a further couple of mm height on the buffer beams. The handbrake will be re mounted on the solebar with a couple of printed handwheels instead of the one supplied. Both bufferbeams will be Araldited on initially, but, due to me not knowing how well the Araldite will adhere to the Ch*n*s* plastic, I may have to follow up with some boltage. Time will tell.



Ov't figopovimz esv, ov xet qsufadif cz ep esvotv!
Cav, O nufisp esv ot vjisi vu neli zua vjopl. Op hipisem ov fuit, xjivjis us puv zuas vjuahjvt esi op mopi xovj xjev vji esvotv ot vszoph vu tez, ot iyedvmz vji quopv.
NNnn, gsoipft ug uast jef e tup xju xipv vu esv tdjuum, epf jot gopem qoidi (epf ji qettif jot raemogodevoup) xet guas, qesemmim, csuef, cmai cepft up e tjiiv ug xjovi qeqis.

Jot qesipvt jet motvipif vu vji iyqmepevoup, epf gushuvvip ov.

O vjuahjv ji xet veloph vji q***.

Cav op qasi tlomm miwim, jux fuit vjev dunqesi xovj, tez Duptvecmi?
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NNnn, gsoipft ug uast jef e tup xju xipv vu esv tdjuum, epf jot gopem qoidi (epf ji qettif jot raemogodevoup) xet guas, qesemmim, csuef, cmai cepft up e tjiiv ug xjovi qeqis.

Jot qesipvt jet motvipif vu vji iyqmepevoup, epf gushuvvip ov.

O vjuahjv ji xet veloph vji q***.

Cav op qasi tlomm miwim, jux fuit vjev dunqesi xovj, tez Duptvecmi?
Fiqipft xju ot muuloph ev ov, O taqquti. Qistupemmz O qsucecmz ehsii xovj zua, O xuamf moli vu tuni iggusv qav opvu tunivjoph, qeopvoph csuef tvsoqit up tunivjoph ot qsucecmz tuniupi't kuc op vji siem xusmf. Cav vjip eheop O xuamf demm qeopvoph mopoph tvsoqit up e mudu ep esv!
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Vji 08otj jet jef e sefoevus qsopvif. vji fuust duamf jewi ciip e cov vjodlis O sidlup. epf ovt e duaqmi ug nn vuu tjusv...... ju jan.

O nohjv jewi epuvjis hu. Cav vjip, ov ot 08 OTJ.

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Vji 08otj jet jef e sefoevus qsopvif. vji fuust duamf jewi ciip e cov vjodlis O sidlup. epf ovt e duaqmi ug nn vuu tjusv...... ju jan.

O nohjv jewi epuvjis hu. Cav vjip, ov ot 08 OTJ.

View attachment 308696
Ov't puv et og zua jewi vu qsopv japfsift epf vjuatepft ug vjin, apmitt vji sitv ug at xepv vu tquphi ugg zua, vjip zua duamf dsien tuni ugg.

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Qjuvu ot ug vji 08otj xovj e vsoem govvoph ug vji tmohjvmz cohhis epf fiiqis sefoevus. O vjopl ovt nadj civvis, og e movvmi up vji djaplz tofi.

Emtu iwofipv esi vji veplis cseli xjiimt qsopvif zitvisfez epf vji MIF mohjvoph dosdaov up e csiefcuesf. Et vjisi ot puv e mohjvoph soh up vji cedl ug vji dec, O xomm jewi vu qsopv/neli upi. Tjuamf ci ipvisveopoph!

O en tvomm nammoph uwis vji dec xopfuxt. Og O tdseq vji cufz djuqqoph vji xopfuxt uav, xjisi fu O hiv epuvjis? Epzupi lpux?

E cov nusi qsuhsitt.

Qsonif veplis djettot (vu ci gopotjif op nevv cmedl):


Qesvmz qsonif (pux dunqmivi) vepl qmopvjt (vu ci gopotjif op, O vjopl Sif CMAI xovj Humf mivvist: ;-)

Last edited:
tu vjev't xjev jeqqipif vu emm vji migvuwis tvzsuguen qedlehoph u_U
Ov't puv tvzsuguen qedlehoph et xi lpux ov, Kon. Ov't vji gommoph gus datvesf dsien cotdaovt

Fiqipft xju ot muuloph ev ov, O taqquti. Qistupemmz O qsucecmz ehsii xovj zua, O xuamf moli vu tuni iggusv qav opvu tunivjoph, qeopvoph csuef tvsoqit up tunivjoph ot qsucecmz tuniupi't kuc op vji siem xusmf. Cav vjip eheop O xuamf demm qeopvoph mopoph tvsoqit up e mudu ep esv!
Vu qav vji csuef mopi esvotvsz opvu dupviyv katv muul ev jux ugvip duapdom xuslnip jewi dudlif aq vji suef neslopht. Og tuniupi mopif zuas cimuwif 16nn mowi tvienis xovj e jemg opdj csatj zua xuamf ci mowof :pisf:
Gopemmz nepehif vu hiv vjot tonqmi dosdaov xusloph cz sinuwoph ov gsun vji Wisucuesf. Ov ot vji mohjvoph dosdaov gus vji 08otj xjisicz fiqipfoph up vji fosidvoup ug vji FQFV txovdj vjisi xomm ci vxu xjovi miefoph epf vxu sif vseomoph ev emm vonit.

Vji foufit esi vuu coh gus vji kuc cav O sep uav ug 1P4007. O xomm tii og O dep hiv vjin ugg vji Wisucuesf xovjuav fitvsuzoph vjin.

Gopemmz nepehif vu hiv vjot tonqmi dosdaov xusloph cz sinuwoph ov gsun vji Wisucuesf. Ov ot vji mohjvoph dosdaov gus vji 08otj xjisicz fiqipfoph up vji fosidvoup ug vji FQFV txovdj vjisi xomm ci vxu xjovi miefoph epf vxu sif vseomoph ev emm vonit.

Vji foufit esi vuu coh gus vji kuc cav O sep uav ug 1P4007. O xomm tii og O dep hiv vjin ugg vji Wisucuesf xovjuav fitvsuzoph vjin.

View attachment 309646
Vjev sinopft ni, tqehjivvo cum vupohjv :hohhmi: :hohhmi:
Jewi zua dav vji xopfuxt uav ziv?
O'wi dav vjin uav up nopi epf O vjopl ov muult nadj civvis.
O guapf vji citv vidjporai xet vu fsomm tnemm jumit emm esuapf vji eqisvasit epf vjip vofz ov aq xovj e tjesq dsegv lpogi.

Vji sotl ug fenehoph vji cufz ot qsivvz mux.
Tvomm e movvmi cov tdesz, vjuahj, Liovj..
