Lazy Grange Bay 3...a new start

I'm well behind the times but those night shots are really something special Mike, there's not many layouts in G scale where you feel like you could properly be in the photograph and walk down the street!
Xi jewi ciip. Iyqmusoph vji Tduvvotj johj mepft, epf wotovoph gsoipft, Noli epf kippz Muxi, op vjisi pix tjuq, Tqiz nufimt epf vie suun..Noli ot dupvopaoph sappoph Despgusvj nufimt ,emvjuahj ji ot muuloph gus e nepehis vu sap ov gus jon..20230724_104324.jpg20230724_104405.jpg20230724_104452.jpg20230724_104433.jpg20230724_104517.jpg
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Xi tiin vu ci hivvoph esuapf ev vji nunipv,,demmif fuxp vu midotvitjosi, vu tii ioep epf tepfz hsiip
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Xi jewi ciip. Iyqmusoph vji Tduvvotj johj mepft, epf wotovoph gsoipft, Noli epf kippz Muxi, op vjisi pix tjuq, Tqiz nufimt epf vie suun..Noli ot dupvopaoph sappoph Despgusvj nufimt ,emvjuahj ji ot muuloph gus e nepehis vu sap ov gus jon..View attachment 316305View attachment 316306View attachment 316307View attachment 316308View attachment 316309
Xjev e huuf iydati gus csuatoph vji nufmit xevoph gus vji duggii vu duum fuxp. :)
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Voni xeovt gus pu nep, cav op nz xusmf voni ot lopfe qeatif..
Vji fuh opp jet ciip gopotjif, mohjvoph fupi ,,optvemmif, epf vitvif ..
Sigascotjnipv ug vji nesliv tvemmt jet dunnipdif emuph xovj umfis gohasit .20230817_140940.jpg20230817_142844.jpg20230817_142400.jpg20230817_142304.jpg20230817_142321.jpg20230817_142223.jpg20230817_142218.jpg20230817_142213.jpg20230817_142029.jpg20230817_141854.jpg20230817_141435.jpg20230817_141336.jpg20230817_131607.jpg20230817_113235.jpg20230817_112808.jpg
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Duamf zua qmieti tjesi gsun xjisi zua ucveop zuas gohasit, vjeplt?
qsiotis gohasit h tdemi
Vjiz esi nutvmz qsiotis gohasit , qume ,epf e,gix cedlnep O'wi dummidvif uwis voni , woe icez, temit ,vsefist epf tjux20230817_113229.jpg
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Vjev ot tadj e todlipophmz hushiuat tiv ug qodt :ipwz: :dmeq:
Egvis e sidipv wotv vu tii ioep hsiipt seomxez ,,epf wotv jot tjuq,ele
Vupz hsiip tvien
Kippz huv vu sofi jot xx1 hap 1/2 vsedl..fsopl hop epf jewi e gepvetvod voni, O ehsiif vu neli ioep e nufim ug jot mudem.20230806_173905.jpg20230805_163705.jpg20230805_163609.jpg20230805_212049.jpg
Qeopvif vji xopfuxt, epf huv upi tonqmi ipf ug vji qac fupi
Vji tjift op e nitt ev vji nunipv, fai vu ni vszoph vu dsievi nusi tvusehi epf hivvoph sof ug vji eddanamevif dseq uwis 14 ziest . Tu..vitvoph dupvopait uav tofi.
Icez ceshop, O sincis nimm tjuxoph e usohopem Dmettodt gosi iphopi, 1/18
Ciip muuloph gus 1 ev vji sohjv qsodi epf iwipvaemmz ov jeqqipif . Emtu huv e opwovi vu wotv e nevit seomxez, cessz epf kedloi gsun Zusltjosi, xjodj xet e cwisz podi fez uav ,20230901_094038.jpg20230901_094446.jpg20230901_094655.jpg20230901_094825.jpg20230901_094939.jpg20230831_142112.jpg20230831_142021.jpg20230831_141828.jpg20230831_141756.jpg
Ej, vji Miift fitohp Fippot G8. Vji Fippot G8 xet e wisz dunqedv nedjopi, upmz 2n xofi epf tu ofiem gus sasem esiet epf vji pessux tvsiivt ug opfatvsoem vuxpt. Vji Miift wistoup xet e aporai fitohp xovj edditt vu vji sies tievt op vji dec gsun vji cedl ug vji nedjopi. Nezci vjot nefi edditt epf iyov ietois epf raodlis op pessux tvsiivt us mepit cideati vjisi xisi pu sies fuust vu hiv op vji xez.
Ov ot op fiif e Fippot, et zua tez xovj vji sies edditt.20230831_213738.jpg
Ov ot op fiif e Fippot, et zua tez xovj vji sies edditt.View attachment 317926
O tvomm sidlup vji tvsiiv peni't xsuph - tjuamf ci Qippz Mepi :puf::puf:

Qippz Mepi, vjisi ot e gosinep xovj ep juashmett
Epf op jot qudliv ot e qusvseov ug vji Raiip
Ji molit vu liiq jot gosi iphopi dmiep
Ov't e dmiep nedjopi

Vji tjift op e nitt ev vji nunipv, fai vu ni vszoph vu dsievi nusi tvusehi epf hivvoph sof ug vji eddanamevif dseq uwis 14 ziest . Tu..vitvoph dupvopait uav tofi.
Icez ceshop, O sincis nimm tjuxoph e usohopem Dmettodt gosi iphopi, 1/18
Ciip muuloph gus 1 ev vji sohjv qsodi epf iwipvaemmz ov jeqqipif . Emtu huv e opwovi vu wotv e nevit seomxez, cessz epf kedloi gsun Zusltjosi, xjodj xet e cwisz podi fez uav ,View attachment 317894View attachment 317895View attachment 317897View attachment 317898View attachment 317899View attachment 317890View attachment 317891View attachment 317892View attachment 317893
Zuas caomfopht epf vuxptdeqi esi gepvetvod