Fitting MyLocosound into the Argyle VR Na.

Tony Walsham

Manufacturer of RCS Radio Control.
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At long last I have been able to install the MyLocosound track powered sound system inside the VR Na.

All the equipment fits inside the LH water tank.


The ON - OFF switch is a standard slide type normally used for servo controlling live steam locos.
The MyLocosound keeps the rechargeable 9 volt battery charged when the track voltage is at least 10 volts.


A reed switch was mounted on the trailing truck for a remote whistle trigger.


The Na has no provision for mounting a speaker. So Peter Lucas (MyLocosound principal) had sound boxes 3d printed that can be mounted in the Na coal bunker facing into the cab.
The blob on the LH side of the speaker housing is the IR receiver used for altering the sound system effects.


I did ream out the hole in the backhead so more wires could pass through.
Power for the sound system is taken from the rear light wiring. The Na does not have low voltage bulb lighting. 3 mm warm white LED's are used.
The flying lead in the cab is for externally charging the 9 volt battery.


The sound box fits neatly in the coal bunker.

How does it sound? Actually very good. Peter Lucas has used an actual recording of an Na whistle.The sound is customisable so I selected the 3rd step auto functions so the appropriate toots are sounded when stopping and starting.

Next up will be installing battery R/C and sound in another example.

Editing notes.
I don't know how the posting got screwed up, but I would appreciate our host fixing it for me.
Neatly done, Tony.
