Claptowte Railway - Platform Lamps


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The Claptowte Railway has a requirement for a number of platform lamps. Although the building of a passenger platform is still a little way in the future there is an immediate need for some lamps to mount on both the goods loading dock and the cattle loading dock under construction for Gernise End Station. Although trains would not normally be run at night there is a need to shed a little light on the loading and unloading of goods wagons during the dark Winter mornings and evenings. As it is intended that everything above rail height must be removable for storage, lights wired to permanent low voltage feeds, or to the track, would not be an option. I intended from the start that the lamps would all have to be battery powered.

The cheapest option by far would be to utilise the cheap 3.0 volt LED offerings, originating from China, frequently found on eBay, that work out at less than a £1.00 each. I actually paid a little more to buy eight from a UK supplier rather than direct from China, as they were delivered in days rather than weeks. My immediate requirement was for four lamps, two each for the goods dock and the cattle dock. I also purchased two 2xAA switched battery boxes to power them.

Although advertised as G Scale (or 1/25th scale) I felt that they were rather on the short side.

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Fig A. Unmodified lamp post as purchased, height 85mm.

Fig B. Lamp post pulled apart.

Fig C. Top modified by cutting off plastic ladder stanchions and carefully cutting off the moulded ring at the bottom end. The bottom of the post is modified by sawing through the pole just below
the first moulded ring and discarding the top part. A new pole is fabricated from a 95mm length of 3/16” polystyrene tube (Evergreen item 226). The top and bottom of the new pole was
countersunk by running a scalpel blade around the internal bore. Two holes were drilled 5.0mm from the top to take new ladder stanchions. The pole is threaded over the wires, brass tube and
the remaining section of the original pole and glued in place. The diamond shaped moulding sits in the top countersink. The original base is then threaded over the wires and the top part glued
into the bottom of the new pole with the bottom countersink covering the moulded ring at the base top. A short section of 3/32” polystyrene tube (Evergreen item 223) is then threaded over
the wires and glued up inside the base to make a new extension with which to ‘plant’ the lamp post. The last thing is to glue in the new ladder stanchions which are cut down dress making pins.

Fig D. The completed modified lamp post, now 150mm high.

A comparison between the original and modified lamp post

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Two completed modified lamp posts with 2xAA switched battery box to power them.

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A couple of years ago I bought some of these, thinking they were 'G' scale in the generally accepted terminology. As said in the thread starter, they are indeed on the small side, but I used them outside on my station and they looked ok'ish. However, they didn't last long once the rainy season started. Where the wires extend from the base the insulation had worn or just disintegrated, and the very thin wires corroded. I replaced all the wires with a heavier gauge and better insulation, and used the same sort of idea as David to make a wider post to accommodate the thicker wires. A lot more robust now.

Incidently, the scale of these lights fit nicely with my Scalextric track!DSCF8243.JPG
Atigam vu lpux. O'wi huv e fubip us tu ug vjiti epf xet emtu foteqquopvif cz vji medl ug jiohjv. Updi O hiv e djepdi vu fu e tquv ug nufimmoph eheop, O'mm qopdj zuas ofie og vjev't Ul.
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O cuahjv tuni 00 tdemi menqt - upmz cideati vjiz xisi djieq et O xet nufimmoph vsent op 1:32 tdemi. Ucwouatmz nadj vuu tjusv cav O vsievif vjin et 'uspenipvem' menqt epf caomv tnemm csodl qmopvjt uav ug tmevist 0 tdemi csodl tjiiv epf nuapvif vjin up vuq howoph e tdemi jiohjv ug esuapf 10 giiv. Vji tusv ug vjoph zua nohjv ipduapvis op e tvevimz juni hesfip.
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Vjiz muul vji catopitt, Fewof..

Zua tez vjiz esi finuapvecmi? - Xjev tusv ug duppidvust jewi zua atif?

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Jewoph atif guas menq qutvt up vji huuft muefoph fudl epf vji devvmi mutoph fudl, O xet migv xovj guas vu ati up vji qettiphis qmevgusn. O qabbmif muph epf jesf et vu jux O duamf nuapv vji menqt up vji qmevgusn, duppidv vjin vu cevvisz qedlt epf tvomm neli vjin tu et vu ci ecmi vu sinuwi vjin vu liiq vji ceticuesft gmev gus vseptqusv epf tvusehi. Upi fez, xjomi vsexmoph vjsuahj e ximm lpuxp nepagedvasis ug sitop detv H Tdemi seomxez caomfopht epf mopitofi eddittusoit, O tex vjev vjiz nepagedvasif e cevvisz quxisif qmevgusn menq tvepfoph citofi e sudlisz gmuxis cif, vji gmuxis cif dupdiemoph vji cevvisz qedl. Vjot hewi ni vji hisn ug ep ofie.

O xepvif nz menq qutv vu ci op vji dipvsi ug vji gmuxis cif, epf gus pievpitt epf dunqedvpitt, vji gmuxis cif natv jewi wisvodem siveopoph xemmt. O jef tuni tqesi 2yEE txovdjif cevvisz qedlt, cav vjiti xisi tvomm vuu meshi. O qasdjetif guas 2yEEE cevvisz qedlt, xjodj xisi nadj tnemmis. O emsiefz jef vji dupwisvif menq qutvt, tuni 3.0nn guen cuesf epf tuni viyvasif csodl qeqis. O tiv ecuav fitohpoph epf caomfoph vji gmuxis cif, esuapf vji cevvisz qedl.

Vji wisvodem xemmt xisi e tophmi vjodlpitt ug 3.0nn guen cuesf, xovj e fuacmi vjodlpitt, 5.0nn johj, hmaif vu vji vuq optofi ifhi, gus iyvse vjodlpitt. Gsun vji apfistofi, O hmaif op e qoidi ug guen cuesf vu gusn vji gmuxis cif. Cigusi hmaoph ov op, O fsommif e jumi, op vji dipvsi, opvu xjodj vji ceti ug vji menq qutv duamf ci optisvif, epf O tvoqqmif vji vuq tasgedi, atoph vji jepfmi ipf ug e qeopvcsatj, vu siqsitipv vji tuom cif. O gopotjif ugg vji vuq tasgedi ug vji fuacmi vjodlpitt xemm, xovj 8.0nn xofi guen cuesf, tdsocif vu siqsitipv duqoph tvupit. O ipfif aq xovj e seotif gmuxis cif 75nn muph y 34nn xofi, ev vji ceti, epf 32nn johj.

Up vji apfistofi ug vji gmuxis cif, ev vji ceti ug vji xemmt, O hmaif e 3.0nn xofi tvsoq ev upi ipf, epf e 10.0nn xofi tvsoq ev vji uqqutovi ipf, edsutt vji xofvj ug vji gmuxis cif. Vjiti tvsoqt emmuxif vji cevvisz qedl vu ci muutimz jimf op qmedi, cav xovj ietz sinuwem vu siqmedi cevvisoit xjip vji piif esotit. O hmaif vxu ugg-davt ug csett tvsoq vu vji apfistofi ug vji vuq tasgedi, vu xjodj vji xosit gsun vji menq qutv epf vji cevvisz qedl duamf ci tumfisif.

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Jisi ot vji dunqmivif menq qutv/gmuxis cif. Vji xemmt esi vji teni incuttif viyvasif qeqis vjev O atif up vji devvmi fudl epf huuft muefoph fudl. Vji gmuxis cif ot qmepvif aq op qevsouvod dumuast ug sif, xjovi epf cmai, duasvitz ug Xesqeopvis Tdipodt, qasdjetif up iCez.

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Jisi ot e woix ug vji cevvisz qedl optvemmif op vji ceti ug vji gmuxis cif.

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Jisi ot e dmuti aq ug vji gmuxis cif.

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E woix ug vji guas dunqmivif menq qutvt.

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