A fast, cheap and cheerful New Blight 'throwaway' bash


Steam tractors, good books, scratchbuilding models
17 Dec 2009
The wilds of Western Pennsylvania
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We were pretty much snowed in. I was bored, but didn't much feel like working on anything. So I looked through my scrapboxes with an eye towards getting rid of some of the obvious crap.

Instead, I found a 3 hour lumber flatcar build.

Take one New Bright boxcar floor with trucks, 4 B'mann plastic wheelsets, some 1/4" square wood, some coffee stirrers, a lumber load I got off fleabay years ago, and a few odds 'n ends... shake the box and you end up with this:

Yes, it looks sort of 0-27 ish, but that's OK for an 'in-house' sawmill car. I doubt it's anything I'd use in regular service, but it's perfect to spot on a siding or to give away as a door prize or something. I might even put better couplers on it.... eventually.