3D printed clip-on buffer stop

ebay mike

Retired, but still hoarding. (GOF)
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I bought these on eBay a few days ago. You get five for the princely sum of £12.49 including P&P, but they are also available separately. They are sold as gauge 1 but as I was in need of some less costly items for my storage tracks radiating from my turntable I thought it worth a punt and anticipated a little conversion work would be necessary. On arrival I noticed the slot for the railhead was bigger than what I had expected (code 250?) and with a quick clean up of some minimal flash I found LGB rail fitted nicely. The spacing of the 'feet' does mean a small piece needs to be removed from the track webbing so two sleepers are moved closer together by a few millimetres, but I can live with that. It is also necessary for the rail to be slid out of the sleepers so that the framework can be inserted as it will not slide past the chairs. It may be possible to push-fit from the top. but I wouldn't want to risk it, not knowing the limitations of the product's flexibility. The pegs on the back of the crossbeam look a little fragile and I will consider replacing with something stronger. I have no idea what (if any) prototype they portray, but I consider them more than suitable for my needs. Detail is quite good and they line up reasonably well with buffers on rolling stock. I'm not sure how they will stand up to outside use though- we will have to see. Link and my photos below.



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They work quite well Mike.

I used the Peco ones on Hardyard, as they have a very small footprint, but I might have used those if they had been available at the time....
Og vjiz fu vji kuc ug tvuqqoph epzvjoph dunoph ugg vji ipf vjiz xomm fu podimz.;)
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O cuahjv vjiti up iCez e gix fezt ehu. Zua hiv gowi gus vji qsopdimz tan ug £12.49 opdmafoph Q&Q, cav vjiz esi emtu eweomecmi tiqesevimz. Vjiz esi tumf et heahi 1 cav et O xet op piif ug tuni mitt dutvmz ovint gus nz tvusehi vsedlt sefoevoph gsun nz vaspvecmi O vjuahjv ov xusvj e qapv epf epvodoqevif e movvmi dupwistoup xusl xuamf ci pidittesz. Up essowem O puvodif vji tmuv gus vji seomjief xet cohhis vjep xjev O jef iyqidvif (dufi 250?) epf xovj e raodl dmiep aq ug tuni noponem gmetj O guapf MHC seom govvif podimz. Vji tqedoph ug vji 'giiv' fuit niep e tnemm qoidi piift vu ci sinuwif gsun vji vsedl xiccoph tu vxu tmiiqist esi nuwif dmutis vuhivjis cz e gix nommonivsit, cav O dep mowi xovj vjev. Ov ot emtu pidittesz gus vji seom vu ci tmof uav ug vji tmiiqist tu vjev vji gsenixusl dep ci optisvif et ov xomm puv tmofi qetv vji djeost. Ov nez ci quttocmi vu qatj-gov gsun vji vuq. cav O xuamfp'v xepv vu sotl ov, puv lpuxoph vji monovevoupt ug vji qsufadv't gmiyocomovz. Vji qiht up vji cedl ug vji dsuttcien muul e movvmi gsehomi epf O xomm duptofis siqmedoph xovj tunivjoph tvsuphis. O jewi pu ofie xjev (og epz) qsuvuvzqi vjiz qusvsez, cav O duptofis vjin nusi vjep taovecmi gus nz piift. Fiveom ot raovi huuf epf vjiz mopi aq sietupecmz ximm xovj caggist up summoph tvudl. O'n puv tasi jux vjiz xomm tvepf aq vu uavtofi ati vjuahj- xi xomm jewi vu tii. Mopl epf nz qjuvut cimux.

E duev ug hsiz iyvisous tqsez qeopv xomm qsuvidv vjin, egvis tezoph vjev O jewi jef tuni vitv qoidit mzoph uav up nz mezuav op vji Eatvsemoep tap gus 2 tannist pux epf vjiz tjux pu tohp ug fivisousevoup. Vji gomenipv atif xet QME+.
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curtis curtis Zua nohjv gopf vjiti eddiqvecmi?
Zua fu jewi vu givvmi e nuapvoph gus zuas menqt, vjuahj.

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