Software updates


24 Oct 2009
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First, I confess that all my computer software is kept at the latest revision. Mainly because in the case of system or internet software there are security issues that could lead to problems. With other software, mainly its a case of making sure that it still works with the latest system software. Very occasionally there is a feature added that I think is worthwhile, but generally its all about making sure that connecting to the internet does not lead to problems.

But then I have software in various separate devices like GPS trackers that have been overtaken by operating system updates. I don't bother with updates for these devices which basically are redundant when a better alternative comes along.

Then there are stand alone systems, such as DCC systems; the real point of this posting. I don't update the software. The system stands alone and security problems do not exist. I am not aware of any new features that would make me wish to upgrade the software.

I have worked with a variety of industrial PLC systems and bitter experience has proved that tinkering with a working system can readily end in tears. Few systems are sufficiently documented to allow reliable changes without complete reverse engineering. Hence my reluctance to upgrade a system for no obvious (to me) reason. Contractual reasons aside, I generally design external hardwired logic to interface new functionality or inputs / outputs. If that becomes difficult its a case of a complete system redesign. Just watch the white faces when you mention the cost and timeframe!

What does everyone think? There are mixed stories in the forum history.

Do you regularly upgrade DCC software, and why?
If not what are your reasons?
And please mention your choice of DCC system.
Does anyone in G scale use RailCom? and have you upgraded coach lighting with additional diodes?

Tim Brien

29 May 2011
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back when I purchased my first computer, I HAD to have the latest software updates. All my work colleagues, using the same brandname computer, left their laptops factory standard. Their machines ran tirelessly. My machine, well, it crashed constantly. Even a replacement computer suffered the same malady. I have learned my lesson, if it works then do not break it with software updates. I have downloaded many supposed 'updates' that are nothing but fixes for erroneous operating issues that previously downloaded updates have initiated.

In so far as DCC, then unless there is an operating issue, why touch it?????


24 Oct 2009
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My NCE command station is still on the firmware that came with it. It works just fine for me, so I have no reason to upgrade although I know there is a new eprom available with a few tweaks.

I use JMRI software with my SPROG and to talk to the NCE system. I'm now a couple of releases behind on that but again no real need to upgrade at the moment. As long as it continues to work with the all the decoder definitions I need and with the java version I have installed, I'll leave it alone.