Rebuild of Accucraft Beyer-Garratt #130 - 'Donald Pearse CME' - Part 1

tac foley

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As some here know, last year I had a disastrous front end fire on my Accucraft NG/G16. I took to over to Dave Mees for his care and attention, and we met up at the Llangollen Show. I has actually been ready for some time, but both he and I have been very bust, in our differing ways, but at last I'll be getting it back, in time for a birthday party run at the Fenland Light Railway.

I'm sorry to say that I don't know how to move movies on FB to this forum, showing two runs on his beautiful track overlooking the Conwy River Valley, but here are the words that went with them.

David Mees This one was given to me at a show last year to sort it out after a smokebox fire put paid to rear front engine tyres, its wiring harness which was just below the smokebox, flexible high and low pressure front engine pipes, so these have been renewed along with piston rings, gland seals and various other seals and O rings, new battery pack, a complete re-bush of the front engine rods in Phosphor Bronze, rebuild of Safety valves, raising of cowcatchers, reinforcing of front and rear buffer beams where the cowcatchers attach. New vacuum bags too as the old ones were perished. New jets have been fitted and the burners have been slightly modified to reduce the tendency of smokebox fires. It also has a free breathing exhaust in the smokebox.

It has been mostly done for a good while except final timing set and the buffer beam jobs(which only manifested yesterday on test). I was not particularly interested in trialling it nor any others in the depths of winter so it has been completed recently, as in today.

Those with keen eyesight will note the name bestowed on it as well as it being a model of NG130 - Donald Pearse CME, who was sadly taken from us in 2009, and who, along with the late Mike Teece and Godfrey of Pearse Locomotives showed me a good way of fitting r/c to these where the wiring survives 9 times out of 10. The best way in my humble opinion.

Paul Galyer

Smokebox fire?

David Mees

Paul Galyer yes, it has two burners, one in each flue. If they are not balanced in terms of primary air and jetting given the similarities of each, one may go out and feed gas into the smokebox where it can fall out below the register plate and create a bit of an incendiary device which the wiring, flexible pipes and insulated rear tyres don't like.

An absolute must for anyone who has a twin flue Garratt is a small dental mirror so both 'fires' can be checked on light up through the smokebox door. I know this only too well after mine did it when it was only a few weeks old back in 2007- ish.

Paul Galyer

David Mees Wow didn't know about any of that never having owned or operated such a thing. Thanks for the info.

David Mees

Paul Galyer no problem mate. I learned the hard way and wrote the above so others don't have to..

Andrew Giffen

David Mees can relate!!!
NG/G16 rebuild - Part 2

Andrew Giffen I nearly cried when my NG140 did it back when it was almost new. It was fitted with 2 factory supplied jets which were not numbered and not even similar in size opening. 2 No 5 jets seem to have sorted it out, though it was much later when I had access to these Coventry made things.

Andrew Giffen

David Mees oh yes .... also, dental mirror: check!

Andrew Giffen

I had to make these monsters for William's Garratt - steam on tap with #8 jets and no smokebox fires yet!

Tac Foley

Dave, can I share this with the Fans of 130 group?

David Mees

Tac Foley not a problem.

Tac Foley

BTW, I know that the owner of this marvellous machine is very keen to run it in public next Sunday. ;) Looks like he'll have to buy a new camera, though, as the two he has don't seem to be able to download movies any more.

David Mees

Tac, by the way, I used ambient temperature water in the bunker yesterday and today. Warm enough to stop the ‘Go System’ butane from being lacklustre.

Tac Foley

Bore da, a Dafydd. Talking about gas, can you recommend anything better than Go? I get it from Chris Moody, who is fairly local to me...

David Mees

Tac Foley All I use is Go system as I get it locally from the shop Huw runs in Blaenau Ffestiniog

Tac Foley

David Mees 'kay. Here on the Fens it gets very particular at around 12C - but then we usually have breezes coming from Poland to give us a bit of a wind-chill factor as well. Hereabouts the 130 would use an entire can for two runs..........

David Mees

Tac Foley if the chill gets you use warm water up to max 50⁰C. You can use the Go System mix in the taller cans. Your tank is 600psi tested. Butane@100% thaws @ 0⁰C, mix @ 75/25 @ -20⁰C. Obviously the mix is higher calorific output. NEVER boiling or approaching boiling water.

Tac Foley

David Mees Never ever used water hotter than around 45% - measured with my precision pyrometer, once used, I'm told, for beer brewing by another member of the family. My tank was one of the replacements from a few years back, after a few Americans had fires from using boiling water in 100F temps and wondering why they had jets of liquid gas coming out of the firebox, but lighting it up anyway. They also have a habit of using propane, and I'm sure you are familiar with the propane pressure/temp scale.....................

David Mees

Tac Foley ooh yes. I have a complete run down on the gas graph...

Nasty stuff in the wrong hands…'

Probably more to come………………………….
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