PIKO G TRACK...wow, just about rivals Lehmann


10 May 2010
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I have got some new sections of PIKO brand G track lately, including a turnout. My first impressions are very good,
and I am devoted to LGB brand tracks and turnouts.

LGB turnouts and tracks, even if I buy them dirty and used and somewhat beat up, perform wonderfully. But this new PIKO stuff is another top quality brand I must admit, and the prices are usually lower than any other G track nowadays.

Inspecting the PIKO track, I say "WOW, Marklin/LGB watch your back!"

I wish Marklin all the success with LGB, and in the future my track purchases will probably be mostly LGB brand because I can get it at a good price locally. But PIKO has done an outstanding job--hard to believe that Aristo Craft tracks charge way more money when you can get this stuff that perfectly coincides with Lehmann and has quality rail joiners like LGB does.

Well Done, Dr. PIKO!

Tom M.

Spule 4

24 Oct 2009
Les États-Unis
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Piko's rail comes from the same supplier as LGB. This went as far back as the discussions of the purchase of back stock when EPL went under.

Piko come "close" to stating this on their own Q&A website by stating that they use the same alloy.



Hillwalking, chickens and - err - garden railways.
24 Oct 2009
Nr Manchester
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I bought several Piko R5s last year, at first they seemed peffect but recently I and several other G Scalers have had contact problems with them. The connecting wires are not up to the job and in more than one case the insulation on the cables had melted welding one wire to the opposite polarity ones. Several of the connections failed with rusted screws - they are steel and inadequately drilled screw holes. The ship spoiled for a ha'porth of tar.
I contacted both Piko and the UK importers approx 2 months ago explaining the problems (I am not the only one to experience problems or to contact them) but I still await a reply.
A great pity because they are basically a good product but
QC at Piko is not what it should be.

See the earlier post Outbreak of Piko Point Lurgy http://www.gscalecentral.net/tm?m=137307&high=Piko