LGB R3 Points and Very Long Trains


25 Oct 2009
Hello All,

One of the jobs I want to do this winter is finally get a cross over (x2) to allow trains to swap between my loops. The layout is currently built to r5 radius. I like, when the feeling comes, to run pretty substantial trains of around 40 bogie wagons. This gives a suprising drawbar drag at the front of the train.

If I use LGB r3s for the cross over can I expect these trains to negotiate the points - would stringlining be a factor here or does the fact that the train is continuing on a paralell track make this a non issue...

My choice of r3 over r5 would be financial. So anyone know of a non LGB large radius point/switch for less £?

I have run well over 80 axles through R3s arranged as a reverse curve/cross-over. It is perfectly possible if done slowly even in reverse but I suspect that twice that number could be a problem.

In terms of tractive effort, any sort of reverse curve will increase the amount of horsepower required significantly as the rigid wheelbases (even for bogies) will "push" against the "corners of the curve" twice over. There is then the further question of whether the couplings on a long train will stand the extra effort. LGB couplings appear to be very robust (if ugly) but I have found that others such as KISS are secured only with a very short screw to the coupling mounting and won't stand heavy handling. If the layout is perfectly flat, neither effect may be serious but I have run nothing longer than 30 axles round R3.

As to cheaper points, I received an interesting email recently about a practical test of Trainline 45 R5 points, which are quite cheap, to the effect that whilst they match the LGB rail profile, their frogs are not compatible with LGB collector shoes, which tend to catch in them - a pity as I'd thought of investing...

Hope this is helpful.

Have you looked at GRS, they do one that is a similar curve to R5.

There also is Peco which is smaller than R5 but gentler than R3, as R3 is less than 8ft diameter- note Peco rail adaptors would be needed.

Also, maybe try making your own from brass rail, it is cheap and fairy easy to do.

Ian the GRS points are the bees knees i might be able to spare you a couple depending on weather you want LH or RH they are £115 each new i would want less than that for a pair the other option is the GRS double slip its 199 but allows you to switch bothways but i havnt got one spare... im just of to bed as just finished work but il take a pic later of them in situ so you can see what i mean ..... i have never had a problem with any length train (18 + box cars) going though a pair at any speed and ive converted all of my main line to them

CoggesRailway said:
If I use LGB r3s for the cross over can I expect these trains to negotiate the points - would stringlining be a factor here or does the fact that the train is continuing on a paralell track make this a non issue...

My choice of r3 over r5 would be financial. So anyone know of a non LGB large radius point/switch for less £?
Ian - the R3s will work fine. They're my standard. However, you will probably hate the look of them if the rest of your switches are R5s. Aesthetics matter so bite the bullet and buy R5s. You're worth it!
pghewett said:
As to cheaper points, I received an interesting email recently about a practical test of Trainline 45 R5 points, which are quite cheap, to the effect that whilst they match the LGB rail profile, their frogs are not compatible with LGB collector shoes, which tend to catch in them - a pity as I'd thought of investing...

Hope this is helpful.


That is interesting. Their R2 and R3 point frogs work fine with LGB pick-up shoes. I must try and find the test Gartenbahn Profi did and see what they are writing.
Tony said:
Ian the GRS points are the bees knees i might be able to spare you a couple depending on weather you want LH or RH they are £115 each new i would want less than that for a pair the other option is the GRS double slip its 199 but allows you to switch bothways but i havnt got one spare... im just of to bed as just finished work but il take a pic later of them in situ so you can see what i mean ..... i have never had a problem with any length train (18 + box cars) going though a pair at any speed and ive converted all of my main line to them


I'd be interested in your pictures!
Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
As promised first photo of one compared to lgb 3


Then a pair By my station

And some photos with Bachmann box cars running across them so you can see the angle of the dangle



nice - do you know how much tehy are roughly or what they are calle dso I can look them up on the GRS site?
Thanks Gizzy. I have to say whilst I like the chaps at GRS they have a miserable website.
CoggesRailway said:
Thanks Gizzy. I have to say whilst I like the chaps at GRS they have a miserable website.

Agreed, not the easiest of sites to browse!

They can't be too far from you though I guess?

I try and visit GRS when I'm in the area, but I haven't been for a couple of years now....
Yes i pop in on them a fair bit.