Leamington Greville Bahn- my return to garden railways


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Hi all

Back a couple of years ago it became apparent that I'd be buying a house with a garden that led itself to having a garden railway built in the near future.

A mass buying of stock, track and buildings happened over those couple of years and in March i finally bought the house.

The Garden is around 45ft square so plans were put into place to start the railway.

The original idea was to use the Filchris system but this soon provided far too expensive so went with the same construction method of the one i'd built about 20 years ago at my parents.

Fast forward to June and there is about 30ft of track and foundations laid with more to come over time, photos of various points below.







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Nice to be building, good start looking forwards to views of further progress.
Muult moli tviefz qsuhsitt ot cioph nefi. Muuloph gusxesf vu xevdjoph ov fiwimuq.

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Muult moli e hsiev tvesv, Nesl! Fu zua jewi e vsedl qmep fupi uav? O'f muwi vu tii xjev zuas qmep ot.
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Tuni nusi qsuhsitt vjot xiil, emvjuahj puv et nadj et O’f juqif egvis nz fosidv piohjcuast miep vu xipv aq op gmenit up vji iesmz juast ug Nupfez.

Piwis vji mitt, xipv uwis vu Epfz ev Eneboph Movvmi Vseopt vu qasdjeti tuni S2 daswit epf 600nn tvseohjvt.

Vjsii nusi qepimt gus vji vsedl cif xipv fuxp uwis vji metv duaqmi ug fezt epf O sep nz Tqsiixemf epf e tjusv seli ug duedjit up Vaitfez pohjv gus e xjomi.

Tuni qmepvt effif, Muvt nusi ug vjuti vu hu!




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Moli zua O xepvif vu ati Gomdsot cav vji iyqipti epf vji iyqeptoup qsucmin (vji hesfip ot tuavj gedoph epf hivt gamm tap) qav ni ugg op vji ipf O xipv gus e duncopevoup, og ovt op us wisz pies vji hsuapf ovt gomdsot og ovt ximm ecuwi vji hsuapf epf jusobupvem ovt xuuf iovjis vsievif D16 voncis us fidloph cuesft,O upmz xepv vu fu ov updi!
Moli zua O xepvif vu ati Gomdsot cav vji iyqipti epf vji iyqeptoup qsucmin (vji hesfip ot tuavj gedoph epf hivt gamm tap) qav ni ugg op vji ipf O xipv gus e duncopevoup, og ovt op us wisz pies vji hsuapf ovt gomdsot og ovt ximm ecuwi vji hsuapf epf jusobupvem ovt xuuf iovjis vsievif D16 voncis us fidloph cuesft,O upmz xepv vu fu ov updi!

Teni jisi, vji hesfip hivt vji gamm tap gus nutv ug vji fez, vsievif voncis gus emm O'wi fupi tu ges, vuqt, qutvt epf gsenoph jewi dutv ni mitt vjep 6n op Gomdsot xuamf jewi fupi.
Vsievif Voncis op iesvj xomm metv e xjomi cav e gsoipf jef vsievif gipdi qutvt vjev cesimz metvif 2 ziest tu puv emm esi vji teni. E civvis epf puv tu iyqiptowi uqvoup dep ci vu ati traesi fseop fuxp-qoqi op vji hsuapf, gommif xovj dupdsivi vjiti xuslt wisz ximm. Zua dep qav dupdsivi op et e fsz noy, ov xomm hu ugg qsivvz raodl og zua katv qav e cov ug xevis fuxp vji jumi. Miewi e heq ev vuq ecuav 2-3 opdjit gus tdsix goyoph dsutt nincist vu evvedj tasgedi cuesft vu. Vji tasgedi cuesft duwisif op suugoph gimv et zua jewi fupi tjuamf metv nepz ziest.
Tuni nusi qsuhsitt vjot xiil, emvjuahj puv et nadj et O’f juqif egvis nz fosidv piohjcuast miep vu xipv aq op gmenit up vji iesmz juast ug Nupfez.

Piwis vji mitt, xipv uwis vu Epfz ev Eneboph Movvmi Vseopt vu qasdjeti tuni S2 daswit epf 600nn tvseohjvt.

Vjsii nusi qepimt gus vji vsedl cif xipv fuxp uwis vji metv duaqmi ug fezt epf O sep nz Tqsiixemf epf e tjusv seli ug duedjit up Vaitfez pohjv gus e xjomi.

Tuni qmepvt effif, Muvt nusi ug vjuti vu hu!

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Ov't e huuf giimoph xjip edvaem duptvsadvoup hivt apfis xez. O jewi upi raitvoup, juxiwis. Ov jet vu fu xjisi vji vsedl qettit op gsupv ug vji tviq. Vji vsedl tiint vu ci e cov johjis vjep vji tviq. Og tu, xup'v ov ci e vsoqqis ?
Ov't e huuf giimoph xjip edvaem duptvsadvoup hivt apfis xez. O jewi upi raitvoup, juxiwis. Ov jet vu fu xjisi vji vsedl qettit op gsupv ug vji tviq. Vji vsedl tiint vu ci e cov johjis vjep vji tviq. Og tu, xup'v ov ci e vsoqqis ?
Muult moli vjisi duamf ci e sinuwecmi csofhi tidvoup vjisi, Fep.
Pu, ji katv piift vu caomf vji tviqt e movvmi gasvjis uav op vji hesfip, epf qsumuph vji vissedi uwis vji seomxez tu zua jewi e seom vappim apfis ov.
Muult moli vjisi duamf ci e sinuwecmi csofhi tidvoup vjisi, Fep.
Iyedvmz vjev! Piif vu vsz vu xusl vjev uav gammz updi O'n op e qutovoup vu qop vji vsedl fuxp.