Dititrax DS52 Stationary Decoder Programing


15 Jul 2011
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I have two DS52 Decoders I have programed one to operate two LGB Switches one each end of a crossing loop. They work great one end operates 3 solenoides One switch and two LGB signals off the one control the other a switch and Signal. My question they have two jumpers on the decoder one for programing one for configuration. Can they be configured like the LGB Switchdecoder eg= for lighting turning lights on and off, Asnchronous flashing eg rail crossing lights . The instruction manual dose not really go into detail like the LGB 55025 Manual . Maybe someone out there has used them, they are a lot cheaper than LGB and operate switches as good as LGB. Also they say they can operate slowmotion switches would they possibly operate the new Aristo Craft switches .
Thanks Frank

Cliff George

24 Oct 2009
City of Chelmsford
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I've no experience with these, but by reading the manual I doubt you will be able to get it to do flashing lights etc. The manual mentions no CVs and no methods of programming, other than a special way of programming a switch address (set a jumper, turn the power on and send a switch command). The type of turnout machine is also controlled by a jumper and not a CV. If it doesn't have CVs, or a way to program them, them I don't see it being able to control lights, and flash them, instead of controlling turnouts.

I'm guessing these are not waterprofed so they would be good for indoors or outdoors only with your own protection. They are nice and cheap (about £18.00 each I believe) so if they do what you need then go for them. Littfinski also make a similar sort of thing.

Cliff George

24 Oct 2009
City of Chelmsford
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One other thing, the manual says these only work up to 22V track voltage. I believe MTS puts out 24V on the track, so these would be a no no with MTS. With other digital systems you can select a lower track voltage. I run mine on 18v.