Best G scale DC power controllers over 12 volt?


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Hi there from NW UK. I run Gauge 1 locos with scratchbuilt 10mm Standard gauge steam and diesel loco outline bodies mounted on Playmobil and Bachmann power bogies and chassis. I have a double track layout, using vintage H and M Clipper 12 volt DC controllers, one for each circuit. Looking to upgrade at reasonable cost higher than 12 volt for more power. Any suggestions please? Are Gaugemaster best? Or are there cheaper alternatives?IMG_6757.JPGIMG_7157.JPGIMG_7152.JPG

I've added some photos to give some idea of the size of my indoor oval layout, with some of my stock. Some use Playmobil bogies to power the tender, others use Bachmann chassis.

Thank you!

Hi there from NW UK. I run Gauge 1 locos with scratchbuilt 10mm Standard gauge steam and diesel loco outline bodies mounted on Playmobil and Bachmann power bogies and chassis. I have a double track layout, using vintage H and M Clipper 12 volt DC controllers, one for each circuit. Looking to upgrade at reasonable cost higher than 12 volt for more power. Any suggestions please? Are Gaugemaster best? Or are there cheaper alternatives?View attachment 314037View attachment 314036View attachment 314038

I've added some photos to give some idea of the size of my indoor oval layout, with some of my stock. Some use Playmobil bogies to power the tender, others use Bachmann chassis.

Thank you!

View attachment 314039
I think you will find the higher output Gaugemaster offerings a good buy. Have had one in the past and a friend used one also before moving to DCC.
Jo vjisi gsun PX AL. O sap Heahi 1 mudut xovj tdsevdjcaomv 10nn Tvepfesf heahi tvien epf foitim mudu uavmopi cufoit nuapvif up Qmeznucom epf Cedjnepp quxis cuhoit epf djettot. O jewi e fuacmi vsedl mezuav, atoph wopvehi J epf N Dmoqqis 12 wumv FD dupvsummist, upi gus iedj dosdaov. Muuloph vu aqhsefi ev sietupecmi dutv johjis vjep 12 wumv gus nusi quxis. Epz tahhitvoupt qmieti? Esi Heahinetvis citv? Us esi vjisi djieqis emvispevowit?View attachment 314037View attachment 314036View attachment 314038

O'wi effif tuni qjuvut vu howi tuni ofie ug vji tobi ug nz opfuus uwem mezuav, xovj tuni ug nz tvudl. Tuni ati Qmeznucom cuhoit vu quxis vji vipfis, uvjist ati Cedjnepp djettot.

Vjepl zua!

View attachment 314039
Vjuahj O en nuwoph exez gsun vsedl quxis, O dep wuadj gus Heahinetvis, jewoph jeqqomz atif e qeos ug tidupf jepf MHC10t vu dupvsum nz epemuhai neop mopi dosdaovt gus nepz ziest, epf ug duasti zua emtu hiv vji effovoupem uavqav, tjuamf zua xotj vu quxis quopvt.
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Vu vji citv ug nz lpuxmifhi vji vxu nipvoupif esi vji citv dutv iggidvowi tumavoupt, vjisi nezci ci civvis, cav O vjopl vjiz dutv tohpogodepvmz nusi.

Jimntnep Neop. et zua xomm tii Qidu jewi velip uwis Jimntnep.
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Qidu jewi velip uwis vji Jimntnep csepf, cav et ziv, jewi puv huv vjios edv vuhivjis up vji ottai ug taqqusv.

O lpux e pancis ug qiuqmi xovj vjin, xju esi puv ecmi vu hiv geamvt fiemv xovj, qsitipvmz.

O fup'v jewi edditt vu tdjinevodt, cav jewi ciip ecmi vu siqeos tuni qsucmint.

Jewoph detv 'fuun epf hmuun' vjiz esi ep iydimmipv qsufadv.

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O vjopl zua xomm gopf vji johjis uavqav Heahinetvis uggisopht e huuf caz. Jewi jef upi op vji qetv epf e gsoipf atif upi emtu cigusi nuwoph vu FDD.
Jo. Vjeplt gus zuas siqmz, zit O'wi katv opwitvif op e qeos ug (jemg qsodi) Heahinetvis MHC10 dupvsummist, O vjopl vjiz natv ci dunoph uctumivi. Vji foggisipdi ot eneboph, xotjif O'f fupi ov ziest ehu.
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Vjuahj O en nuwoph exez gsun vsedl quxis, O dep wuadj gus Heahinetvis, jewoph jeqqomz atif e qeos ug tidupf jepf MHC10t vu dupvsum nz epemuhai neop mopi dosdaovt gus nepz ziest, epf ug duasti zua emtu hiv vji effovoupem uavqav, tjuamf zua xotj vu quxis quopvt.
Jo. Vjeplt gus zuas siqmz, zit O'wi katv opwitvif op e qeos ug (jemg qsodi) Heahinetvis MHC10 dupvsummist, O vjopl vjiz natv ci dunoph uctumivi. Vji foggisipdi ot eneboph, xotjif O'f fupi ov ziest ehu.
Vu vji citv ug nz lpuxmifhi vji vxu nipvoupif esi vji citv dutv iggidvowi tumavoupt, vjisi nezci ci civvis, cav O vjopl vjiz dutv tohpogodepvmz nusi.

Jimntnep Neop. et zua xomm tii Qidu jewi velip uwis Jimntnep.
Ej, vjev ot opfiif huuf pixt. Nz Jimntep jet qisgusnif geamvmittmz, epf Qidu fup'v fiem op saccotj.

Vji Heahinetvis uggisoph jef qsucmint op vji iesmz fezt. Vji coh ottai op uas tdemi ot vji uwis-dassipv fiwodi - hivvoph ov vu siedv ev vji sohjv tqiif, puv vuu raodl epf puv vuu tmux. Vji tvepfesf dav-uavt vjev xusl up e co-nivemmod tvsoq cetot esi vuu tmux, epf xjomi vjiz xomm qsuvidv vji mudu, vjiz fup'v edv raodl ipuahj vu qsuvidv vji imidvsupod dunqupipvt ug vji dupvsummis op vji iwipv ug e vsedl tjusv vjsuahj fiseomnipv. (Fup'v etl ni jux O lpux ;) )
Enebup nohjv jewi e tumavoup.


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