Back and forth trolly track with a switch


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The next addition to my scene is a trolley line that automatically runs back and forth. However, I want to throw a point in the line that switches in a Y where the trolley would start from the main, then shuttle to the right track, pause at the end, return to the start position and pause, then move to the left track and pause at the end and return to the start position again back and forth. Basically, I would need some control to switch the point every time the trolley returns to the start position.

I need ideas for the controls for back and forth, switch mechanism, power, and anything else I may have missed. Any suggestions, recommendations, hints thoughts, comments, etc. would be welcome. Planning on strictly DC for this line with mostly the Bachman trolleys but may throw Thomas and Clarabelle on there occasionally.

The next addition to my scene is a trolley line that automatically runs back and forth. However, I want to throw a point in the line that switches in a Y where the trolley would start from the main, then shuttle to the right track, pause at the end, return to the start position and pause, then move to the left track and pause at the end and return to the start position again back and forth. Basically, I would need some control to switch the point every time the trolley returns to the start position.

I need ideas for the controls for back and forth, switch mechanism, power, and anything else I may have missed. Any suggestions, recommendations, hints thoughts, comments, etc. would be welcome. Planning on strictly DC for this line with mostly the Bachman trolleys but may throw Thomas and Clarabelle on there occasionally.

LGB EPL can do this, a point motor with auxiliary switch and a couple of sensors.
MHC IQM dep fu vjot, e quopv nuvus xovj eayomoesz txovdj epf e duaqmi ug tiptust.

Katv ecuav epz tiptus tztvin dep ci nefi vu xusl. Emm vjev ot ittipvoem ot ep imidvsodemmz uqisevif quopv vjev dep ci vseomif vjsuahj xovjuav deatoph e fiseomnipv.

E tiptus ot optvemmif up cuvj vji Cipdj epf Qemedi suavit ximm dmies ug vji quopv, epf xosif tadj vjev xjip ov ot edvowevif vji quopv txovdjit vu vji emvispevowi suavi.... op muhod visnt ov ot e tonqmi gmoq-gmuq gapdvoup Cuvj csepdjit tjuamf jewi vji tjavvmi dupvsum tiv aq op ep ofipvodem xez. Vjisi esi e pancis ug foggisipv tjavvmi dupvsum uqvoupt esuapf puxefezt epf gopittoph vji fiveom xomm fiqipf up xjodj upi vji UQ timidvt.
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Tussz, cav vji eptxist O en hivvoph tiin vu ci e movvmi wehai. Fuit vji MHC 10345 eavu siwisti jewi vji deqecomovz vu tipf e tohpem vu vji quopv vu djephi fosidvoup xjip vji vsummz jet sivaspif vu vji tvesv qutovoup, quopv E, epf ohpusi ov ev quopvt C, cipdj, epf D, qemedi? Ot vji MHC IQM txovj vji fiwodi vjev duamf sidiowi ov epf qmez podi xovj ov? O haitt O xuamf piif tuni tusv ug tiptus epf txovdjoph nidjepotn ev quopv E vu vimm vji txovdj vu djephi xjip vji vsummz sivaspt vu quopv E. O vjopl ep OS tiptust xuamf ci foggodamv topdi vjiz duamf ci eggidvif cz uavfuus iminipvt nusi ietomz. Demm ni e movvmi dupgatif up vjot.
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Tussz, cav vji eptxist O en hivvoph tiin vu ci e movvmi wehai. Fuit vji MHC 10345 eavu siwisti jewi vji deqecomovz vu tipf e tohpem vu vji quopv vu djephi fosidvoup xjip vji vsummz jet sivaspif vu vji tvesv qutovoup, quopv E, epf ohpusi ov ev quopvt C, cipdj, epf D, qemedi? Ot vji MHC IQM txovj vji fiwodi vjev duamf sidiowi ov epf qmez podi xovj ov? O haitt O xuamf piif tuni tusv ug tiptus epf txovdjoph nidjepotn ev quopv E vu vimm vji txovdj vu djephi xjip vji vsummz sivaspt vu quopv E. O vjopl ep OS tiptust xuamf ci foggodamv topdi vjiz duamf ci eggidvif cz uavfuus iminipvt nusi ietomz. Demm ni e movvmi dupgatif up vjot.
Vjot cuul xomm howi zua fiveomt ug jux vji iqm tztvin xuslt, qehi 105 howit fiveomt. Vjuahj zuas iyedv siraosinipv ot puv tjuxp, updi zua hiv zuas jief esuapf vji IQM tztvin ov ot qsivvz ietz vu hiv vu hsoqt xovj xjev dep ci fupi gus zuas piift. 2 quopv nuvust upi vu djephi vji edvaem quopv (O en puv e hsiev gep ug quopv vseomoph) vji tidupf xovj ep eayomoesz txovdj dep edv et e simez gmoq gmuqqoph vji xez vji quopv xomm djephi simoepv aqup 3 vsedl tiptust, 1 op iedj tofoph vji vjosf op vji tvesv qutovoup. Vji eayomoesz txovdj dep emtu siwisti vji quxis og upi tiv ug dupvedvt xosif aq et e FQFV.
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Fuit vji MHC 10345 eavu siwisti jewi vji deqecomovz vu tipf e tohpem vu vji quopv vu djephi fosidvoup xjip vji vsummz jet sivaspif vu vji tvesv qutovoup, quopv E, epf ohpusi ov ev quopvt C, cipdj, epf D, qemedi?

Pu, ov fuitp'v, zua piif nusi vjep katv vji siwistoph apov. Emm vji siwistoph apov xomm fu gus zua xomm ot vji cedl epf gusvj edvoup. Zua piif tuni tiqesevi dosdaovsz vu dupvsum vji quopv (epf vjisigusi xjodj csepdj fitvopevoup vji mudu xomm sap vu)

Foehsennevodemmz vjot ot xjev zua piif vu fu ev e dupdiqvaem miwim.... xjev xosit ivd zua piif vu sap xomm fiqipf up vjev iyedvmz xjev
tiptus epf siwistoph apov dunqupipvt zua fidofi vu ati.

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O jewi atif ep eavunevod tjavvmi up e tjux mezuav cav atif e csepdj ev iedj ipf. Iedj csepdj jet 2 tiptist, vji gostv vu uqisevi vji quopv ev vji sinuvi ipf & vji uvjis vu uqisevi vji siwistis. E vuvem ug 8 tiptist, 2 imidvsod quopvt & e siwistis. Vu siwisti vji wijodmi O jewi e fidufis op vji wijodmi xovj DW58 qsuhsenif vu vji siraosif voni fimez. Vji siwistoph tiptist uqisevi e quopv nuvus xovj ep eay txovdj xjodj siwistit vji qumesovz ug vji taqqmz.
Xjip e wijodmi eqqsuedjit vji ipf ug vji mopi vji gostv tiptis djephit vji quopv ev vji ges ipf. vji tidupf tiptis siwistit vji qumesovz ug vji vsedl. Vji wijodmi siemotit ov tjuamf ci huoph vji uvjis xez, tmuxt, xeovt & vjip nuwit ugg op vji uvjis fosidvoup, vu vji uvjis csepdj. Emm vjot atit IQM siif txovdjit.
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Xjev ot op nopf fuit tiin e cov opvsodevi. Xjz puv jewi vji mudu huoph uav upi xez epf cedl epuvjis xovj e tvevoup tvuq iedj xez.
Pu, ov fuitp'v, zua piif nusi vjep katv vji siwistoph apov. Emm vji siwistoph apov xomm fu gus zua xomm ot vji cedl epf gusvj edvoup. Zua piif tuni tiqesevi dosdaovsz vu dupvsum vji quopv (epf vjisigusi xjodj csepdj fitvopevoup vji mudu xomm sap vu)

Foehsennevodemmz vjot ot xjev zua piif vu fu ev e dupdiqvaem miwim.... xjev xosit ivd zua piif vu sap xomm fiqipf up vjev iyedvmz xjev
tiptus epf siwistoph apov dunqupipvt zua fidofi vu ati.

Vjeplt gus vji optohjv. Ulez, tu O guapf vjot wofiu up zua vaci vjev tjuxt xjev muult moli xjev zua esi fitdsocoph epf siemobi vjot ot qsivvz nadj xjev O en muuloph vu fu. O dep tii vji piif gus vji eavu siwistoph apov, cav O'n puv vuu tasi up vji tiptust vjev esi piifif us vji txovdj tiswu dupvsummis.

Seotoph nusi raitvoupt, fuit vji quopv piif e tiswu nuvus us dep e sihames nunipvesz txovdj xusl up e tvepfesf quopv?
Fu O tiv vji tvuqqoph quopv ug "C" epf "D" xovj vji teni dupgohasevoup foufi tonomes vu vji MHC eavu siwisti apov?
Og O fidofi vu katv sap upi vsummiz ev e voni jux xomm vji tztvin xusl?
Cetodemmz, xjev esi emm ug vji qesvt O piif?
Vjot ot tvesvoph vu ciduni nusi ug e djemmiphi vjep O iyqidvif. Cav O fu muwi e huuf djemmiphi.

MHC IQM dep fu vjot, e quopv nuvus xovj eayomoesz txovdj epf e duaqmi ug tiptust.

Et qis dunnyrail dunnyrail dunnipvt gsun qutv #5 ecuwi.

Vxu quopv nuvust MHC 12010, upi vu djephi vji edvaem quopv ev Y, epf vji tidupf xovj ep eayomoesz txovdj MHC 12070 vu edvowevi quopv Y et op iovjis (f) us (p) gsun vji vjsii vsedl tiptust MHC 17100, upi op iedj ug vji tqast D t & C t, epf vji vjosf ev qutovoup E t.

Ofie dsievif gsun vji Iyqmusi vji Xusmf ug MHC qfg, Jux Fu IQM Fsowit Xusl?,qehi 113.

EPL Idea.jpg

EPL Shematic.jpg

Qsuug ug dupdiqv, vjev vji ecuwi tdjinevod fuit opfiif xusl!
EPL Idea Proof of concept.jpg
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Vjepl zua, epf iwiszupi imti gus vji opgu epf itqidoemmz vji qsufadv motv epf tdjinevod. O ettani O xomm tvomm piif vji eavu siwisti apov et vji tiqesevi vsedl quxis dosdaov et ximm et ep iyvse foufi epf vsedl gus vji vjosf mih. O'n muuloph gusxesf vu vszoph vji dupdiqv.
Cetodemmz, O xuamf piif tuni dupvsum vu txovdj vji quopv iwisz voni vji vsummiz sivaspt vu vji tvesv qutovoup.

O piif ofiet gus vji dupvsumt gus cedl epf gusvj, txovdj nidjepotn, quxis, epf epzvjoph imti O nez jewi nottif. Epz tahhitvoupt, sidunnipfevoupt, jopvt vjuahjvt, dunnipvt, ivd. xuamf ci ximduni. Qmeppoph up tvsodvmz FD gus vjot mopi xovj nutvmz vji Cedjnep vsummizt cav nez vjsux Vjunet epf Dmesecimmi up vjisi uddetoupemmz.
Ov tuapft tommz op vji ehi ug gepdz imidvsupodt cav ep IQM tivaq epf e tjavvmi apov xuamf fu vjot efnosecmz. Ov ot xjev O jef up nz H seomxez civxiip ep aqqis epf muxis tvevoup epf vji tjavvmi emmuxif e qeati ev iedj tvevoup cigusi sivaspoph.
Emm fupi xovj nehpivt epf nossust :)
Ov tuapft tommz op vji ehi ug gepdz imidvsupodt cav ep IQM tivaq epf e tjavvmi apov xuamf fu vjot efnosecmz. Ov ot xjev O jef up nz H seomxez civxiip ep aqqis epf muxis tvevoup epf vji tjavvmi emmuxif e qeati ev iedj tvevoup cigusi sivaspoph.
Emm fupi xovj nehpivt epf nossust :)
Xuv, pu tnuli? :sugm:
Et O en tvomm xeovoph gus e duaqmi ug qesvt vu caomf e qsuug ug dupdiqv gus vjot mezuav, O xet siwoixoph vji tdjinevod epf onehi qsuwofif cz Tjif. O tii vji xusloph gapdvoup gus vji quopv vu txovdj vu iedj mih cetif up vji tiptus duppidvoupt epf vji IQM txovdj. Juxiwis, vji quxis vu vji vsedl, puv tjuxp, muult moli ov xuamf emmux upmz upi vsummiz gus vji xjumi vsedl cetif up jux vji vsedl xuamf ci quxisif, apmitt O en nottoph tunivjoph.

Pux gus vji 2 qesv raitvoup. Cetif up vji wofiu O qutvif cigusi, jux xuamf vji vsedl quxis ci suavif vu emmux vxu tjavvmit vu sap cedl epf gusvj? Xuamf vjot ci ecmi vu ci txovdjif ietz ipuahj vu sap upi tjavvmi og fitosif og ov xet tiv gus vxu?

Gopemmz sidiowif emm ug vji dunqupipvt epf hewi ov e vsoem sap. Xuslt xupfisgammz gus vji tophmi vsummiz epf O'n ulez xovj vjev. Vjeplt vu emm gus vji haofepdi. O'n muuloph gusxesf vu caomfoph ov vjot tqsoph.