Annie and Clarabelle - A diffcult bend- just like the stories...


25 Oct 2009
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I have recently bought Thomas and A & C from Dragon. (Great service BTW)

However like on an episiode from the tv series I have a bend (or bends) with which they can't cope.

I have an r1 S bend- which everything has negotiated so far- (all LGB, Roundhouse and one USA NW2). Thomas is fine it just that Annie and Clarabelle are actually quite long for rigid 4 wheelers. Any ideas??- I think a modification to make the LGB style couplers pivot is probably the answer. They are fine individually but the opposite overhangs are too much and push one or the other off the flanges.

Fot the record I built the layout in isolation from a second hand job lot. I definately have the intention of "opening out" these "difficult bends" as A&C call them. But it is a lot of work and scheduled for next winter. too long for kids to wait.

All three items are decent solid quality for the cost- but they are very toylike- of course!! They were purchased for the little G Scalers in the house who are thrilled to bits. But was a bit of a shame they couldn't do a complete circuit from the box- this however is my ill thought out layout's problem- not the products.


Trains, Planes, Automobiles & Shooting
24 Oct 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
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Yes you will have to make them pivot BUT If you can put a short straight between the offending curves the problem will go away and be much nicer to all your wheel flanges...................


20 Jan 2010
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Alternatively, you could make the axles pivot with the couplings attached. LGB did this with some of their long wheel based wagons so it's not a new idea.



G Scale indoors, O Tinplate, Micro Layouts
24 Oct 2009
Sunny So Cal
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2 possible solutions posted on the Bachmann forum: 1) adding a short straight section, even 6", is best solution. 2) That removing one of the hook tongues from the coupler on one end so that there is only one tongue pulling the car has helped alieve this problem.

You cannout really pivot the wheels ala LGB without some serious rebuilding. there are metal flanges that go thru the bottom of the car that the axles mount to. They are very fixed.