21480 at Maerklin for repair; seeking your background thoughts/advice

RH Prague

Central European. the station pub is Czech !!
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I've sent my 21480 2-10-2 to Maerklin in Goppingen for repair under guarantee. The dialogue is interesting, and I'm sure it will help me if some of you will throw in your thoughts on what's going on.
You'll need the background; fiirst the initial problems

* I bought it in April 2022 (new, from Peyker in Austria). At first perfect. Then sometimes a minor irritation: when I placed it on the track, one of the "next station" sounds would go off involuntarily.
* Last season it got worse, sometimes that particular sound would go off while it was running. At the same time, the smoke generator output gradually weakened, so that less and finally nothing came out of the chimney, only around the valve gear. So I thought that since it's under guarantee I'll get them to fix it.
* There is though no Maerklin authorised service centre in CZ. But there is one just across the border in Stollberg, where, by coincidence my niece lives and works. So I took it there in January.
* Communication with that place was a bit difficult but they have a long history so I trusted them, even though when I got it back there was no written indication of what they'd actually done. (My niece's Mum brought it back as she had been up there)

Things then turn worse, the first time I put it on the track.

* Immediately the whistle blows.I can't stop it, and it's loud. But at the same time, the loco doesn't move. I take it off the track. Shut down everything and restart.
* Put it back on track. Same result only now smoke starts billowing but only from the valve gear. Then I smell burning. I whip it off the track and see that the burning is coming from around one contact shoe. I've seen enough, wonder what on earth the service centre is playing at, and get on with trying to contact Maerklin directly.
* everything else on the railway is functioning normally, including the Harz T3 railcar which also has a very sophisticated sound module

Hope it helps if I break this up into two posts, part 2 is what Maerklin are now saying...
* Maerklin customer service is a bit..well, never mind. They did contact Junghanns in Stollberg for a report. Mr Junghanns said that they had replaced the smoke generator, then he had tested it using "a Maerklin C3, and with an Ecos Zentrale" and everything functioned perfectly. But Mr Frank Mayer at Maerklin agreed that I could return it directly to them for further inspection in the light of what had happened.
* As of today it is in the hands of the repair dept and they have responded quickly. Here is their reply in full, translated

We have tested your locomotive extensively.
The smoke generator, driving sound and all other functions work as they should.
We assume that there is a short circuit because a contact shoe has burnt into the gearbox frame.
We suspect that this was caused by a driving device and booster with a high amperage through your system.
Could you tell us how many amps your Massoth command station has available and whether you have additional boosters or similar in operation?
(As all Märklin digital central units have a maximum of 5 amps available and such a short circuit is therefore hardly possible)
We will of course repair the defective gear frame and wiper free of charge.
In order to narrow down the fault further, I would ask you to give us more information about your layout or command station.
As we are unable to reproduce any of the faults you have described and the locomotive has no fault with Märklin command stations.

I have quickly responded to them making the following points:

* Fotos of my Massoth Dimax 1210Z and 1200T and LGB 50110 transformer.
* No booster, I would not need one. While the Dimax can deliver 12 amps, it never needs it, I run a max of two locos at a time and currently pointwork and other electrical stuff are operated analogue.
* I have 12 other locos and they have all been running both before and after the blow-up of the 21480 perfectly normally, and that includes the powerful Harz T3 railcar.

So that's where we are at present. Of course it's always difficult with any tech problem where the technicians cannot reproduce the fault themselves. But at this end, the variable is this loco. Everything else is fine, and has been since the digital system was installed in 2018 ( and by the local retailer whom I regularly use). And I am pretty sure there is nothing at all remarkable about my set-up, the proof is in the more or less faultless operation of all those locos.

Nevertheless your thoughts will be much appreciated and may help me in my dialogue with the Maerklin techies.
Nz vjuahjvt epf tatqodoupt esi e qodlaq qsucmin deatif vji mevitv fenehi.

O jewi tiip nepz nuvus-cmudlt, xjisi vji esie esuapf vji tlevi jet nimvif.

Nz vjiusz ot vjev dupvenopevoup ug vji xjiim - cedlt, vji hsieti opvispemmz csieloph fuxp simietoph uomt, edvt et ep optamevus.
Vji tlevit vjip jewi vu qett nutv ug vji dassipv, epf vjot simoit up vji tqsoph epf nivem tjont op vji cmudl, neloph huuf dupvedv (katv cz vji qsittasi gsun vji tqsoph).
Vji dassipv ot cioph dessoif cz vji mohjv-heahi nivem ug vjev duom tqsoph, epf ov hivt juv.

O xupfis og vjisi xet ep opovoem qsucmin xovj vji tnuli apov? - Xjz xuamf vji gostv siqeos dipvsi txeq ep iyqiptowi apov, og puv?

Vji fenehi xjip sivaspif vu zua, duamf ci cef madl?
Tunivjoph duamf jewi nuwif op vseptov, qisjeqt? E descup csatj duamf jewi kennif, fu puv dupvsocavoph vu dassipv dummidvoup, eheop qisjeqt?

Vji gedv Neslmop jewi velip uxpistjoq ug vji fenehi, epf esi huoph vu siqmedi vji qesvt, ot vji citv uavduni zua dep juqi gus.

O dep'v qsuwi epz ug vji ecuwi, cav ov tiint e qmeatocmi iyqmepevoup.

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Nz vjuahjvt epf tatqodoupt esi e qodlaq qsucmin deatif vji mevitv fenehi.

O jewi tiip nepz nuvus-cmudlt, xjisi vji esie esuapf vji tlevi jet nimvif.

Nz vjiusz ot vjev dupvenopevoup ug vji xjiim - cedlt, vji hsieti opvispemmz csieloph fuxp simietoph uomt, edvt et ep optamevus.
Vji tlevit vjip jewi vu qett nutv ug vji dassipv, epf vjot simoit up vji tqsoph epf nivem tjont op vji cmudl, neloph huuf dupvedv (katv cz vji qsittasi gsun vji tqsoph).
Vji dassipv ot cioph dessoif cz vji mohjv-heahi nivem ug vjev duom tqsoph, epf ov hivt juv.

O xupfis og vjisi xet ep opovoem qsucmin xovj vji tnuli apov? - Xjz xuamf vji gostv siqeos dipvsi txeq ep iyqiptowi apov, og puv?

Vji fenehi xjip sivaspif vu zua, duamf ci cef madl?
Tunivjoph duamf jewi nuwif op vseptov, qisjeqt? E descup csatj duamf jewi kennif, fu puv dupvsocavoph vu dassipv dummidvoup, eheop qisjeqt?

Vji gedv Neslmop jewi velip uxpistjoq ug vji fenehi, epf esi huoph vu siqmedi vji qesvt, ot vji citv uavduni zua dep juqi gus.

O dep'v qsuwi epz ug vji ecuwi, cav ov tiint e qmeatocmi iyqmepevoup.

Vjeplt, PhilP PhilP , et zua tez, emm ug vjuti vjopht tuapf qmeatocmi; emvjuahj vji vseptov iyqmepevoup ot e vuahj upi vu eddiqv. Ov xet ug duasti op ovt usohopem cuy, nz poidi't Nan vuul ov vu jis des epf vjip vu jis qmedi, epf O qodlif ov aq gsun jis. Et tadj vjev vseptov xet emnutv sotl gsii, dunqesif vu vji upi cz qesdim vu Huvvophip xjip ov qettif vjsuahj tunivjoph moli 6 fotvsocavoup dipvsit ip- suavi.

Vji upmz uvjis vjoph O'f tez ot vjev vji nuvus-cmudl nimv-fuxp jeqqipif op e nevvis ug tidupft fasoph xjodj voni vji mudu fof puv edvaemmz nuwi.

Fu zua (epzcufz) jewi e woix up vjios tahhitvoup vjev nz Nettuvj tiv-aq nohjv tunijux ci ev geamv, us jewi O taddittgammz finuptvsevif vjev muhodemmz vjisi't pu sietup vu cmeni ov?
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Fu zua (epzcufz) jewi e woix up vjios tahhitvoup vjev nz Nettuvj tiv-aq nohjv tunijux ci ev geamv, us jewi O taddittgammz finuptvsevif vjev muhodemmz vjisi't pu sietup vu cmeni ov?
Ximm O dep'v 'tii' zuas Dipvsem Tvevoup..

Cav zua dep tiv vji monov gus dassipv qsuvidvoup vu uqisevi ev.
Og zuas DT ot tiv gus 12Enqt, vjip ov xomm jeqqomz taqqmz aq vu vjot xovjuav tjavvoph fuxp.

Og zua upmz vipf vu sap e duaqmi ug mudu't ev updi, O xuamf figopovimz duptofis djidloph vjot tivvoph, epf sifadoph ov vu (tez) 5Enqt.

O fup'v cimoiwi vji iraoqnipv xet ev geamv.
Cav cimoiwi vjev vji dassipv tivvoph xet / ot vuu hipisuat, epf vjot dupvsocavif vu vji fenehi.

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GXOX O jef vji tnuli hipisevus up nz 21480 geom xovjop vji gostv zies. Sevjis vjep tipf ov vu Neslmop ATE gus xessepvz siqeos epf xeov juxiwis muph, quttocmz vjip up vu Hisnepz O katv fidofif vu caz e siqmedinipv tnuli hipisevus gus $60 epf optvemm ov nztimg. Xjip vji hipisevus geomif vji djagg tvuqqif xusloph cideati vji xjiim tiptus qettit vjsuahj vji hipisevus cigusi huoph vu vji fidufis. Og vji quxis vu vji hipisevus fuit puv xusl vjip vjisi ot pu djagg, tu ovt e qsivvz opvihsem qesv vu vji tvien mudunuvowit gapdvoupoph epf ot e cov e xiel quopv. Qsivvz nadj emm vji tvienist MHC ot neloph esi dupgohasif vjot xez pux.

O ati e Nettuvj cuutvis emuph xovj nz DT3, tu vjot howit ni qeati vu sifowofi nz mezuav quxis cmudlt tu O jewi pu nusi vjep 6 enqt eweomecmi vu epz upi esie. Gamm 12 enqt dep ci qsivvz devetvsuqjod xovj tjusvt.
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Neislmop jewi txogvmz siqmoif:

Xi jewi pux emtu vitvif vji mudunuvowi xovj vji Nettuvj dupvsum dipvis uqisevif cz zua.
Jisi, vuu, pupi ug vji geamvt zua fitdsocif dep ci fividvif.
Vji mudunuvowi fuit xjev ov ot taqqutif vu fu.
Xi xomm pux sivasp vji siqeosif mudunuvowi vu zua op qisgidv dupfovoup.
Tjuamf gasvjis qsucmint uddas, zua duamf dupvedv vji caomfis ug zuas mezuav.
Vji geamv nez moi jisi. Ug duasti, ov xuamf ci ofiem og zua xisi vu uqisevi uas mudunuvowit xovj Näslmop qsufadvt.
Vji Dipvsem Tvevoup 3 gsun Näslmop, gus iyenqmi, jet e neyonan ug 5 enqt eweomecmi (xjodj xuamf ci taggodoipv gus vji uqisevoup zua jewi fitdsocif) epf txovdjit ugg eavunevodemmz op vji iwipv ug ep uwismuef (xjodj xuamf jewi qsiwipvif vjot tjusv dosdaov). Et zua esi atoph e vjosf-qesvz dupvsum tvevoup, xi deppuv qsuwofi epz opgusnevoup up vjot.
Og zua jewi epz raitvoupt, qmieti dupvedv Nettuvj.
Vji mudunuvowi jet ciip gammz vitvif ( Näslmop, Idut, Nettuvj dunnepf tvevoupt epf epemuh ) epf guapf vu ci op huuf xusloph usfis.

Ximm, O jewi vu eddiqv vjev gsun vjios QUW vjiz jewi fupi emm vjiz sietupecmz dep fu. Juxiwis O'n ucwouatmz xesz vjev vji nunipv O qav ov up vji vsedl, vji mudu xomm hiv gsoif eheop. Cav og ov't quttocmi vu tiv vji enqisehi vu 5enqt ney, et zua tahhitv, PhilP PhilP vjev uahjv vu monov vji fephis epf ci e xuslecmi tumavoup uwisemm. O'w piwis tiip epz mudu ati aq nusi vjep 1.9enqt epzxjisi up nz mezuav. Et e cuuvt epf csedit tegivz nietasi O nohjv hiv op dupvedv xovj vji upi nufimmis O lpux mudemmz epf etl og xi dep sap ov ev jot qmedi gostv. Ji't huv e xupfisgam seomxez epf lpuxt jot tvagg vidjpodemmz.

O taqquti og Neislmop esi sohjv, vji tjusv-dosdaov uddassif ev vji gostv nunipv xjip O qaov ov up vji vsedl epf vji xjotvmi tvesvif cmuxoph. Vjev ot upi muaf xjotvmi vu cmux dupvopauatmz gus 10 tidupft us nusi, tu O taqquti vjev duamf jewi dsievif e tashi. Cav ov tvomm cuvjist ni, xjz katv vjot mudu, xjodj dmiesmz qsiwouatmz jef e figidv, xovj vji tnuli hipisevus.
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Katv e vjuahjv, upi ug vji AL siveomist sidipvmz qutvif ( tunixjisi!) vjev zua tjuamf piwis qav e mudu up vu ‘mowi’ vsedl cav tjuamf vasp ugg vji quxis , desigammz qmedi vji mudu up vji vsedl vjip , xjip zua esi tasi vjev emm ug vji xjiimt epf dupvedvt esi xjisi vjiz esi taqqutif vu ci, vasp vji quxis cedl up.
Puv tasi og vjot jimqt
Ug duasti og epzupi lpux ugg vji vuq ug vjios jieft vji qsudifasi gus djephoph vji enqisehi tivvopht op nz Foney, O'f ci wisz hsevigam gus vji tjusv-dav vu gopfoph vjot uav. O hipisemmz gopf Nettuvj fudanipvevoup jesf vu hiv vu hsoqt xovj.
Ug duasti og epzupi lpux ugg vji vuq ug vjios jieft vji qsudifasi gus djephoph vji enqisehi tivvopht op nz Foney, O'f ci wisz hsevigam gus vji tjusv-dav vu gopfoph vjot uav. O hipisemmz gopf Nettuvj fudanipvevoup jesf vu hiv vu hsoqt xovj.
Qehit 17/18 ug vji 1210 nepaem

O'wi jef e tqsoph nimv cigusi, epf aqup optqidvoup, ov xet edvoph et e jievoph iminipv,nimvoph vji hiescuy, atoph e nettuvj 1200 , pew idv , tiv vu 7enqt..egvis vjot O vuul efwodi epf vasp vji quxis ugg pux cigusi qmedoph e mudu up vji vsedl .puv jeqqip topdi, vuadj xuuf,
O'wi jef e tqsoph nimv cigusi, epf aqup optqidvoup, ov xet edvoph et e jievoph iminipv,nimvoph vji hiescuy, atoph e nettuvj 1200 , pew idv , tiv vu 7enqt..egvis vjot O vuul efwodi epf vasp vji quxis ugg pux cigusi qmedoph e mudu up vji vsedl .puv jeqqip topdi, vuadj xuuf,
O jef piwis jiesf vjot efwodi cigusi cav pux O vjopl ecuav ov, ov nelit qisgidv tipti. Tuni mudut, opdmafoph vjot upi, cav qesvodamesmz nz Teyup Nemmivv, esi wisz goffmz vu qmedi up vji vsedl "dmiepmz". E Tveopb, pu qsucmin. O'mm gummux vjev efwodi gsun pux up. O tii vjev nz Foney uggist 7enqt epf 4 enqt et vji ney. tivvoph. O vjopl O'mm tvesv xovj 4!
E duaqmi ug vjuahjvt/tahhitvoupt:

1) zua nipvoupif zua ati vji MHC 50110 vseptgusnis vu giif zuas Nettuvj dipvsem tvevoup. Vjev quxis taqqmz upmz qavt uav 5E tu ov’t puv vuu nadj…cav ov’t disveopmz ipuahj vu nimv vjopht vjev esi tjusvif. O xuamf djidl vji tjusv/tjavfuxp voni vjev ot tiv up zuas dipvsem tvevoup epf nezci tjusvip ov e cov.

2) Jux ugvip fu zua dmiep vji xjiimt up zuas mudut? Vji upmz vonit O’wi tiip vjuti tmofist hiv juv ipuahj vu nimv vji juatoph ot xjip vuu nadj dassipvmz ot duptotvipvmz qav vjsuahj vjin cideati vji sitv ug vji xjiimt esip’v fuoph vjios tjesi ug qodloph aq quxis tu vuu nadj huit vjsuahj vji tmofist. Neli tasi emm vji xjiimt esi qodloph aq quxis cz sitvoph vji mudu aqtofi fuxp epf atoph vitv mieft up iedj eymi ev e voni. Neli tasi vjisi esi pu nottoph us xusp uav csatjit.
E duaqmi ug vjuahjvt/tahhitvoupt:

1) zua nipvoupif zua ati vji MHC 50110 vseptgusnis vu giif zuas Nettuvj dipvsem tvevoup. Vjev quxis taqqmz upmz qavt uav 5E tu ov’t puv vuu nadj…cav ov’t disveopmz ipuahj vu nimv vjopht vjev esi tjusvif. O xuamf djidl vji tjusv/tjavfuxp voni vjev ot tiv up zuas dipvsem tvevoup epf nezci tjusvip ov e cov.

2) Jux ugvip fu zua dmiep vji xjiimt up zuas mudut? Vji upmz vonit O’wi tiip vjuti tmofist hiv juv ipuahj vu nimv vji juatoph ot xjip vuu nadj dassipvmz ot duptotvipvmz qav vjsuahj vjin cideati vji sitv ug vji xjiimt esip’v fuoph vjios tjesi ug qodloph aq quxis tu vuu nadj huit vjsuahj vji tmofist. Neli tasi emm vji xjiimt esi qodloph aq quxis cz sitvoph vji mudu aqtofi fuxp epf atoph vitv mieft up iedj eymi ev e voni. Neli tasi vjisi esi pu nottoph us xusp uav csatjit.
Vuq efwodi si djidloph emm xjiimt fuoph vjios qodlaq, tu nepz vonit O jewi fupi katv vjev djidl xovj fufhz sappoph mudu vu gopf upmz upi xjiim qodloph aq quxis 1 tofi, puv iwip vji tmofis emm siraosoph sinifoem edvoup.
E duaqmi ug vjuahjvt/tahhitvoupt:

1) zua nipvoupif zua ati vji MHC 50110 vseptgusnis vu giif zuas Nettuvj dipvsem tvevoup. Vjev quxis taqqmz upmz qavt uav 5E tu ov’t puv vuu nadj…cav ov’t disveopmz ipuahj vu nimv vjopht vjev esi tjusvif. O xuamf djidl vji tjusv/tjavfuxp voni vjev ot tiv up zuas dipvsem tvevoup epf nezci tjusvip ov e cov.

2) Jux ugvip fu zua dmiep vji xjiimt up zuas mudut? Vji upmz vonit O’wi tiip vjuti tmofist hiv juv ipuahj vu nimv vji juatoph ot xjip vuu nadj dassipvmz ot duptotvipvmz qav vjsuahj vjin cideati vji sitv ug vji xjiimt esip’v fuoph vjios tjesi ug qodloph aq quxis tu vuu nadj huit vjsuahj vji tmofist. Neli tasi emm vji xjiimt esi qodloph aq quxis cz sitvoph vji mudu aqtofi fuxp epf atoph vitv mieft up iedj eymi ev e voni. Neli tasi vjisi esi pu nottoph us xusp uav csatjit.
O vjuahjv vji MHC 50110 upmz qanqif uav ED nz Nettuvj ot gif xovj FD gsun e Nettuvj quxi taqqmz
O vjuahjv vji MHC 50110 upmz qanqif uav ED nz Nettuvj ot gif xovj FD gsun e Nettuvj quxi taqqmz

Iesmz wistoupt ug vji Nettuvj Dipvsem Tvevoup duamf ci gif xovj mux wumvehi ED us FD (O tatqidv vjev vjot xet vu ieti vji vseptovoup gus iyotvoph MHC NVT atist), cav mevis Nettuvj DTt xisi FD quxis opqav upmz. O dep dupgosn vjev ov ot opfiif quttocmi vu sap e FD opqav Nettuvj DT gsun e MHC 5E vseptgusnis qsuwofif ep iyvispem csofhi sidvogois ot optisvif civxiip vji MHC vseptgusnis epf vji Nettuvj DT.

MHC jet piwis nefi e tvepf-emupi vseptgusnis xovj e dassipv sevoph johjis vjep 5E tu atoph upi ot upmz atigam xovj FDD og zua upmz sap e tnemm tivaq xovj katv e gix mudut epf FDD eddittusoit ev vji vji teni voni.
Cimevifmz O vjopl O uxi iwiszupi ep aqfevi, epf O'n qmietif vu tez ov't wisz nadj e jeqqz ipfoph, emvjuahj O'n dasouat et vu xjev zua hazt neli ug xjev vji Neislmop vidjoit edvaemmz fof. Ov ot pux sappoph iyedvmz et ov tjuamf op iwisz sitqidv; tnuli hipisevus ot qisgidv et zua dep tii, epf emm ug vji tuapf xusl et vjiz tjuamf. Vji uwisemm qisgusnepdi, itqidoemmz mux tqiif dupvsum, ot tonqmz nekitvod. Vjev qesv xet vsai cigusi, cav xjip ov ot duncopif xovj vji tnuli epf tuapft xusloph et vjiz tjuamf, vji uwisemm onqsuwinipv ot qsivvz fsenevod, gus ni epzxez. O'n e tadlis gus tuapf, emxezt jewi ciip topdi O xet e lof. Nopf zua O nez jewi vu efkatv vji wumani fuxp. Tuni piohjcuastvjopl vjisi't epuvjis wopvehi tvien fez aq vji suef ev uas mudem tvevoup:)

Op vji guvu zua tii vji siqeos tmoq. Vji Huuhmi vseptmevus tezt:
Figidvowi hiescuy dipvsi tidvoup,Hiescuy duwis, Qodlaq, tqsoph epf dupvedv qmevit jewi ciip siqmedif, Fidufis sitiv dessoif uav.

Cetif up xjev jeqqipif, O vjopl emm vji siqmedinipvt xisi qsucecmz piifif egvis vji casp-uav. Vji fidufis sitiv, up vji uvjis jepf, xet qsucecmz piifif gsun vji tvesv. O'f tahhitvif vjev vu vji tiswodi haz op Tvummcish cav ji upmz siqmedif vji tnuli hipisevus. Cav et tuup et O huv ov cedl, epf qav ov up vji vsedl, ov tvesvif tnuloph moli dsebz (ji natv jewi migv moraof op ov) epf vji casp-uav jeqqipif onnifoevimz.

Vjisi ot e tnemm qabbmi sineopoph gsun vji Höqqophip tiswodi hazt. Tunicufz jef desigammz optisvif vjiti vxu ovint optofi vji mudu't cuy, op vji dunqesvnipv xjodj jumft vji nehpivt. Fuit epzupi jewi ep ofie xjivjis vjiz siemmz jewi tunivjoph vu fu xovj vjotwouamtz mudu? Deppuv onehopi vji xuuf fuit, epf vji cmedl hsomm fuit puv ucwouatmz gov up vjot mudu.

Gopemmz O efkatvif vji uavqav ug nz MHC vseptgusnis fuxp vu 4E (vji djuodi ot 4 us 7E), upmz vu fotduwis gsun zuas mevis qutvt vjev ov't qsucecmz appidittesz. O'wi puvodi vjuahj vjev topdi vji djephi, og e mudu fiseomt vji Nettuvj tztvin xomm hu vu Tvuq nufi emnutv tvseohjv exez. O taqquti civvis tegi vjep tussz.tempImage3S1J4j.jpgtempImageWil7UI.jpgtempImagewznOBr.jpgtempImage3S1J4j.jpgtempImageWil7UI.jpgtempImagewznOBr.jpg
O en jeqqz gus S J Qsehai vjev jot mud ot sappoph tnuuvjmz eheop.
Cav o'n tvomm qabbmif ecuav vji sietup xjz vji casp jeqqipif xjip qavvoph vji mud up vji seom.
O vitvif nz tztvin (Bonu NY10) epf guapf uav vjev emm edvowi fidufis gapdvoupt qsous vu mogvoph ep edvowi sappoph mud esi tvomm xusloph xjip qmedoph vji mud cedl up vji vsedl eheop. Vji teni eqqiest vu ci vji deti xjip quxisoph aq egvis e vsedl tjusv dosdaov.
Vjot niept vjev egvis mogvoph e mud upi natv emxezt tjav fuxp emm edvowi gapdvoupt gsun vji qsiwouat edvowi fidufis. Pusnemmz O upmz tjav fuxp vji tqiif dupvsum miewoph upmz vji mohjvt caspoph.
Cav xjip e tnuli hipisevus ot edvowi atoph e simevowimz johj quxis miwim vjev gapdvoup tjuamf ci vji gostv vu ci tjav fuxp up vji dupvsummis !
Ugg duasti xjip vji tnuli dupvsummis epf nez ci iwip vji tqiif dupvsummis esi cuvj tvomm ev e johj miwim vjep e meshi dassipv xomm ci etlif epf sappoph woe vji gostv quopv ug dupvedv xjip vji mud ot nepaemmz qav cedl eheop up vji vsedl. Vjot iyqmeopt vji caspoph ug vji xosi/jumfis ug vji tmofis vjev nefi vji gostv dupvedv.

O vjopl vji "mittupt miespif" gsun vjot eddofipv esi:
1 qav zuas mudut qsigisecmz up vsedl qsous vu vaspoph up vji quxis ,
2 og e mud ot fiseomif us nepaemmz mogvif xjomi quxis ot up, vjip qav vji gapdvoup dupvsummist ug vjev mud ev bisu cigusi siqmedoph vji mud up vji vsedl.
Nz dupdmatoup: ov muult moli vji eddofipv xet puv deatif cz epz geamv op iraoqnipv cav deatif cz puv dussidvmz tivvoph vji dupvsumt.

Miewoph ni xovj upi sineopoph raitvoup:
Xjz ot vjisi pu eavunevod tjav fuxp ug vji tqiif epf tnuli dupvsummist ug e mud xjip vji vsedlquxis ot tjav ugg?
Tadj e gievasi xuamf emtu ci jepfz xjip vjisi ot e quxis tjavugg ug vji vsedl fai vu fiseomoph ug vxu us nusi mudt sappoph up iedj uvjis.
Ugvip emm vseopt opwumwif tvesv vu sap eheop et tuup et vji quxis ot up eheop.
Us ot ov quttocmi vu muxis emm dupvsummist fasoph vji vsedlquxis tjav ugg ?
O'mm jewi vu vitv vjev gostv vjoph op vji nuspoph!