Adobe Photoshop Pricing


Travel, Art, Theatre, Music, Photography, Trains
24 Oct 2009
Colchester, United Kingdom
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Actually Jerry, if you read my posts you will see that i mentioned software that had features curtailed, until a small payment was made, was one option where freeware or shareware software could be purchased, I think that you will find that I did not say that 'Open Source' software was 'crippled'.
A difference of opinion is healthy but to make someone out to be short of knowledge is not helpful.

I gave the website link in my last post, just to show that, as Cliff had posted, payment could be made for 'Open Source' software and that goes also even if the user is not a commercial user. This small payment is definitely optional but these 'small' donations are the way that we have got many good free (yes I am talking about open and non-open source software) packages.

Microsoft is not the only commercial 'office' package available, in fact there are quite a few for people who do not want to feed the Microsoft Monster and this also applies to other 'big' packages from the likes of Adobe, Quark etc. where high end alternatives can show a good saving if not as much as 'free' stuff.

Anyway I think that my input has run its course here.

lone ranger

Trams, Southern region BR & USA steam G Scale
29 Apr 2011
Kirby Cross Frinton-on-Sea Essex
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I agree that we are now going around in circles. And mike I also agree that we differ on our out look on software, and I hope we can still remain friends.

Lets rather think of our common ground the DRGW and RGS and have fun.


Amateur Radio, 16mm/G scale railways
24 Oct 2009
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One of the unfortunate problems associated with the cost of software is the lack of understanding between those who pay for software and those who only use completely free (to end user) software. There are lots of services attached to freeware like Linux and Unix that can be charged for but are not ever mandatory. Any discussion on the subject is in my experience is likely to lead to argument (hopefully friendly)

The word free is often used incorrectly. There is free as in beer (no charge)!and free as in unfettered in any way, as free of any constraints and so can be legally modified by anyone who has the know how. Often free is used to encompass both attributes.

The main difference between systems is that MS based products -products that run in Windows are compiled programs that can not be modified without the source code which is never made available, this protecting most simple forms of modification to protect the vendor's interest.
All freeware based products based on the several freeware licenses currently in use have to make the source code available as a condition of license. Thus those of us with the interest can tailor the software to suit our own application.

As can be seen from the above it is very easy to confuse the wording surrounding freeware, shareware and cripple ware. The last two are associated with proprietary systems, mainly MS and Apple operating system based. This causes no end of arguments (but not usually in model railway forums).

Those of us who are involved as contributors in the design and modification of freeware actually seek the free as in "to modify" but happily accept the free as in beer. More funds available for trains. Those of us who are service providers also appreciate building our own front end security systems to protect our own and our clients data.

Hope the above helps a bit.

tramcar trev

all manner of mechanical apparatus...
22 Jan 2011
Canberra, Australia
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ROSS said:
Think this lot could be locked before it gets a bit heavy:rolleyes:
Errrrr cue the herds of Wildebeast....

Well having played around with this "free" psudeo office suite it is actually better than MS office. I sent them a donation via Paypal....

But lots of things are free, eg. my contributions to this forum. I neither expect or would accept any payment and these (and I hate to use the word) Dudes who write software and supply it for free seem to do it for the same pleasure as I get from building my tramway. Yes its probably a hobby and they get their rewards for sticking it up the bigger Dudes who have so much money they can't spend it and the millions of people around the world who also use their product. Computer software is a commodity, like eggs and vegetables and if the grower wants to give it away that's their choice. Mind you there is some awesomely bad free software out there...

I have discovered that even though I can't pay my electricity bill with hand made trolley wheels that life is not all about making money, if you think it is then maybe rethink your life strategy. Life should be about spending every last bit of coin you have and enjoy yourself. If you cant spend itall then you have too much and you should give it to me so I can spend it an enjoy myself.


It's me
24 Oct 2009
Upper Drakes Bottom
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Enginehouse said:
Android is Linux. It can be freely be copied and used on any device free of charge. Apple Machines no matter what they call the operating system now is still based on FreeBSD (the name of that should provide a clue). The agreements with new machines only covers that particular installation on that machine at that time. Linux cannot be sold or leased full stop. See the various licenses with regard to free software. A large number of user maintained devices have operating systems that have been modified. Indeed I would never ever use any equipment that is crippled by some kind of lock in legal or otherwise. Many Linux, freeBSD and UNIX programmes are considerably better than anything provided specifically tailored for MS systems. Most of the servers on the Internet are Linux or BSD boxes. I run five machines of varying types including two servers. And all Linux based phones. We do not have an MS box on the network. Far too risky. Never understood why people pay for software.

They pay because they don't have the know how or inclination to ponce about with Linux.
Linux is ok for geeks but your average joe gets lost in the first five minutes and does'nt give
a monkies on whats underneath.

From this argument/debate we see we can pay if we want and if we don't want to pay, we don't have to.

From my point of view if you can afford PS and need it, go for it but if your just a casual/amateur user
then there are alternatives......Serif Photo Plus or Corel PaintShop are reasonably priced.
Gimp if you want free.